Live from the stand 2016!

Will be after it myself in a couple more days. Our cool front shows up tomorrow night and Thursday looks good and Friday looks to be OK and then the weekend looks Hot and windy...
I am liking the forecast for the next couple days as well! I am hoping for a killing frost this week, but doubt we will get it. You can always tell hunters from non hunters, when was the last time you heard a hunter say "I wish it would warm up so I could go hunting." The damn weather people here keep talking like the world is ending when we get some cooler temps, but then they are happy to say it is going to warm up this weekend. For gosh sake its fall we are supposed to have some cool weather!
I am liking the forecast for the next couple days as well! I am hoping for a killing frost this week, but doubt we will get it. You can always tell hunters from non hunters, when was the last time you heard a hunter say "I wish it would warm up so I could go hunting." The damn weather people here keep talking like the world is ending when we get some cooler temps, but then they are happy to say it is going to warm up this weekend. For gosh sake its fall we are supposed to have some cool weather!
I absolutely agree on the weather folks...They are always doing these forecast and apologizing to folks when we have a chance of rain that ****might****mess up some kind of outdoors weekend plan but just a couple minutes before that they show the drought monitor shot for our area and we really need any rain we can get! Water comes from sprinklers just like meat comes from the grocery store to these types...
Tried posting while I was in the blind but couldn't get it to go so here it is, I had huge flocks flying over all night. I ended up seeing 6 does and fawns and that little 6 pt.

First night out in a week. At the exit of a food plot where they like to work their way through before heading to the neighboring corn fields.

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On stand on the hollow...temps dropped 30 degrees in less than 2 hours. 4 does and 3 fawns on this hammered radish plot when I got here about 5:15 central time.


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First night out in a week. At the exit of a food plot where they like to work their way through before heading to the neighboring corn fields.

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Had a doe and a yearling feed across from left to right in the far, darker green (brassica). They got half way across to about 60 yds and an ever changing PA thermal gave me away. They did a 180 and walked back in the direction they came.

Nearer dark, 4 bigger does fed across in the same direction and path, but exited the plot a little too far away without ever entering the lighter green in the foreground (cereal grains).

No luck and I'm still hunting does. No sign of seeking after my week off.

I will take a morning stand, then head back home until Monday. I'm planning to hit it a little harder next week.

For my night in the cabin in front of the woodstove I chose Jim Beam Black on the rocks.

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Had a few deer walk by me tonight. Saw an odd and disgusting deer behavior that I had never seen before. Glad I wasnt eating a snack at the time. A doe with her twin fawns showed up, one fawn had obviously had a case of the runs today. Crap from its hooves to its bung hole, watched the doe proceed to clean that fawn from the ground up! Now that is motherly love. Had a buck I call "Bob" (only has a stub of tail remaining) 3 x 4 buck that is at least 3 1/2 yrs old an maybe 110" under me for 10 mins. I am not a necessarily a believer in the "cull buck" approach but if the kids or my brothers want to harvest him this year I wont tell them no.
It began to rain on me just before dark (awesome we need it) so I decided to head home. 1 deer was trying to come to the plot and I heard it blow and saw a flash of gray through the woods. That was my evening.. Will go again in the morning...

Sitting in 'The Angle' stand this morning only about 75 yards behind my cabin. There's a crisscross of trails on the downhill side of the stand. I need to religiously play the thermals here.

Was covered up with deer returning from the neighbors corn fields before light. Too dark to see the deer or my sight. Heard a couple take a drink out of my water hole (black tub about 2/3 to the left on this panoramic pic).

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Had a doe and a yearling feed across from left to right in the far, darker green (brassica). They got half way across to about 60 yds and an ever changing PA thermal gave me away. They did a 180 and walked back in the direction they came.

Nearer dark, 4 bigger does fed across in the same direction and path, but exited the plot a little too far away without ever entering the lighter green in the foreground (cereal grains).

No luck and I'm still hunting does. No sign of seeking after my week off.

I will take a morning stand, then head back home until Monday. I'm planning to hit it a little harder next week.

For my night in the cabin in front of the woodstove I chose Jim Beam Black on the rocks.

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