Live from the stand 2016!


Well-Known Member
Not sure if any of y'all frequent archery talk but they have a "live from the stand thread" every year. Thought it might be fun to do the same here. This morning is the bow opener for Va, as I'm sure for many others of you, so I'm out sitting in the dampness! It's rather warm too!

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Oh yea, got the Thermacell cranked this morning too. Was getting swarmed at first light!

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Live from the second stand of the can read all the painful details in my signature thread I have already posted :(



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Since the doe and fawn came through picking up acorns I saw another doe traveling exhibit west to east off my left shoulder and then heard something and looked behind me and had 2 big bucks about 65 yards but they were directly down wind. They got nervous and went around me down the hill. If it was muzzleloader season here it would have been an easy shot but with my compound and through the trees there was no opportunity...

Finally first sit this year and have a doe and fawn just come in and bed up 30 yds from tree.

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Living vicariously through y'all until I can get back out there. Won't be able to go again for a week or two.

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Just had these little guys put on a show for me they must have ticked off a shooter because he came charging in drove them off and walked away, he never got within 60yds.

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