House and Habitat build thread:

I guess you could call it sleet. Is was mostly dime size but there was some quarter sized towards the end of it. I took a video because the sound was so loud it was kind of cool. All the splashing in the lake was impressive too!

Here's another pic I took right after it started which may show the size better.

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That a good session of planting!

My wife found them by using a stick to sweep away leafs in low spots in the creek. I told her that we were in a good spot but they might be too small to have pushed up through the leafs yet, so the crazy woman grabbed a stick and moved the leafs. She found the first one almost instantly.
This cloudy and rainy weather should be perfect for freshly planted trees. Hope you get a good survival rate!

There is nothing like "crazy" women who do doesn't take no for an answer. They get stuff done. Good going wife of Catscratch!
Johnny pawpaw seed here. Spent the morning dropping seeds and looking for mushrooms. Which really means I walked around a lot and didn't really do much, but it was good to be in the forest.

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Yes, second spring in a row with decent rain (so far). Nice break to the 5yrs of drought we just had.

Saw more snakes yesterday than I've seen all spring. Every one of them stayed still until I was about to step on them. Saw a legless lizard to. Don't see them often on this property.

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The grocery store beans are volunteer seeding. It amazing what seeds will do with a little moisture and warmth.

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Sawtooth and chestnuts planted last fall are looking great!
As well as the Jujube and various fruit trees we've planted.


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Awnless wheat, chicory, and various clovers are knee deep and growing like gangbusters. We are seeing deer use daily. All throw n mow, this ground has never been turned or exposed.

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Recent trailcam pics. The camera site has a water hole, mineral, and a scent post/licking branch. The licking branch gets used a ton, everything checks it out including this cat who has been showing on a regular basis this spring.

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All looks great cat! I have yet to have a buck picture since about early March...Have had cats, hog, turkeys, coyotes (many), ducks, raccoon, opossum, rabbit, squirrel, crow, hawk, owl, dogs, and does on cam but the bucks are utilizing the neighbors place I guess...I guess should be expected because I have spent way too much time over there working, sawing, planting trees, digging holes, turkey hunting, checking fence...Hope to be done with everything on that side of road other than lime and fall planting the 2nd week of May or so...of course I have been thinking about trying some buckwheat out so can't rule out planting some of that...and milo, millet,

Looks like some great prospects for next fall for you guys...
Okie, I don't think you need to worry about bucks in the summer. They always seem to migrate to your place during hunting season and you shoot amazing bucks. Like you said, all the construction you have going on probably doesn't help either.

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Busy weekend!
Bought the wife a new car.
Filled the freezer with a beef (parents raised and fed it out).
Sunk some fish structures.
And burned some pasture (smoked the house out all evening, it's a good thing I have an understanding wife!).
Took the kids chasing turkeys. They messed up a chance at a nice tom but did great with a flock of hens... Chalk it up to learning the hard way.
And got enough rain to keep the creek above the road a while.

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Great update - sure is green there. Never seen that kind of frog/toad before - must be one we don't have in NY.
It's a Gray Tree frog. Range map shows them in the eastern half of the USA (including NY), but they are nocturnal and usually spend the day way up high in trees. Rare to see even though I kind of keep an eye for them.
What did you find that would burn? Native Grass/Broomsedge?

I don't even want to talk about my turkey hunting this weekend o_O