Foodplotting In The Mountains...The Sequel

You are right Triple, a seasonal growth that like so amazing compared to watching a tree take years to grow and produce.

Dogghr will you expand on your random cluster theory? Spacing, Size and locations?

I can do that Deer Patch. First let me give credit to the name. There was a mathematics genius from my town that won a Nobel Prize based on some theory he came up with concerning gaming and statistical analysis that I can't even pronounce most the terminology. He suffered from schizophrenia and was the subject of the movie, A Beautiful Mind. Considered crazy by many but amazing smart. HIs mother was told by a teacher in the 4th grade that he had no mathematical skills. Anyways, I read once that the analogy to the one theory was that cars going down a highway tended to be in groups , with spacing between those groups, yet all the groups going in the same direction, i.e., in "ramdom clusters". This describes much my way of thinking of flow thru my property.

Many think you can't have good deer habitat, if it is not in a early successional stage. But over time, and with arguments with my forester and logging friends, I think it indeed can be done and have distinct advantages. I've always questioned, how the virgin forests of much of the East supported a variety of browsers to grazers to predators. Reading early journals, you see the explorers tunneling thru almost impenetrable thick growth at the forest floor , yet the trees were a full canopy mature stage. So by todays standards, how could that be?
In addition, as most know, mast producing trees do not reach their prime until 20-50 years old. A mature 100 ft white oak can produce a 1000#s of acorns or 2400 acorns / tree. Multiply that by an acre, by a 100 ac. So here we are cutting mature tree to provide new growth for deer. And what do they do? So many deer in some areas now, that they browse the heck ourt of new seedlings, so instead of a cutover quickly reestblishing hardwood, then you have the less desirable browse of deer such a MFR that takes over. In addition, instead of having mature timber adding to the duff that creates our depleted timber soils, it erodes away with the barren type start over growth, and the roads that are placed thruout the mountainside. In addition, I want to manage my land, for not just the deer, but a animal population intertwined with each other and the land. Trust me, my forester friend is having a coronary as I type this.
So to me, there should be a way to manage the majestic mature mast trees yet still have browse at deer level just as it once did.

But to get to my random cluster TSI. My land lays from low to high elevation front to back. In addition, the acceptable land to plot tends to be in a S shape form ridge top , down to bottom, then up into the ravine. If you look at my pic from the ridgetop on a previous post, some plots are behind me, the bottom can be seen , and to the distant right of the bottom is a ravine plot, thus giving me that S shape. In addition, I have two main sanctuaries, one to your left of 10 ac, and another to your right of 15+ ac. The bear pics I showed, this larger sanctuarary is in the background. So I plan for the rut. Since most my wind is NW, then I cut timber along the SE side of the plots from near the entrance to my back two ridges, with the theory that bucks will cruise down wind scent checking the fields for estrous does.

Since I don't have the time or energy to cut that entire length, then I cut pockets, of anywhere of a few hundred square feet to an ac or more. These are interpersed by rather open mature timber. My theory, and it has proven true a lot of time, is that bucks will hopscotch from thicket to thicket, scentchecking those fields which are anywhere from 100-300 yds to the west. I also concentrate on obvious mountain buck habitat such as sidehill points, benches, and ridges. As the hinge or cutting is done, new growth has a chance and more important to me, the huge treetops of my mature oaks, produce even more mast without the competition. So the Fall gives me good hard mast crop, yet year round browse is produced for the deer. But most important to me, is the bucks follow the EDGE that is created by all these pockets, and that is where my stands sit, and since doing so have not always taken a deer but have always had a shooter within range as he follows my chainsaw created trail. I know this is confusing, and will go against most recommendation to cut , cut , and cut some more, especially the high dollar money making trees. I say, step back and think it thru, because the chainsaw is not always the deers best friend.

Below is classic example of virgin growth of Northern Spruce that has never been cut at 5000 ft with an obvious understory. Not for deer browse, but there are multitude of animals that prefer this habitat.

Here you can see regen of forest floor. Bad pic but area is surrounded by 2nd growth large red oaks. Favoite pathway along this edge for bucks and I have a stand just to the far edge of this.

And here is far ridgetop hinge cutting and timber dropping done couple weeks ago. Sidewalk left in middle guiding to stand to my left. This sits about 50 yds from thicket made over south side of hill . Each pocket/cluster is anywhere from 50-100 yds apart. Remember, to me its not so much the pocket, but the edge that gets created between one evironment to another, i.e., thick borders open, conifer borders hardwood, field borders feathering, you get my gist. Now that I've confused everyone, go at it, but think it thru just a little, listen to what the deer tell you and their manipulation is so much more simplified. Just my way of doing things, everyone with their land and topography and food sources should have their own input. Random Clusters, who would've thot. Thanks for reading. IMG_0005B.jpg
Dogghr we must think alike because that's not confusing at all. Actually that's what I've been thinking of doing for awhile now and have already have a plan of where I want to do the same. Mine will be spaced a little farther apart to start with but based on the same lines as yours.Just going to wait till after season to do it. Thanks for your input.
"Random Clusters" could be the new process for habitat management:D Makes perfect sense and adding new edges is always good.
You are right Triple, a seasonal growth that like so amazing compared to watching a tree take years to grow and produce.

I can do that Deer Patch. First let me give credit to the name. There was a mathematics genius from my town that won a Nobel Prize based on some theory he came up with concerning gaming and statistical analysis that I can't even pronounce most the terminology. He suffered from schizophrenia and was the subject of the movie, A Beautiful Mind. Considered crazy by many but amazing smart. HIs mother was told by a teacher in the 4th grade that he had no mathematical skills. Anyways, I read once that the analogy to the one theory was that cars going down a highway tended to be in groups , with spacing between those groups, yet all the groups going in the same direction, i.e., in "ramdom clusters". This describes much my way of thinking of flow thru my property.

Many think you can't have good deer habitat, if it is not in a early successional stage. But over time, and with arguments with my forester and logging friends, I think it indeed can be done and have distinct advantages. I've always questioned, how the virgin forests of much of the East supported a variety of browsers to grazers to predators. Reading early journals, you see the explorers tunneling thru almost impenetrable thick growth at the forest floor , yet the trees were a full canopy mature stage. So by todays standards, how could that be?
In addition, as most know, mast producing trees do not reach their prime until 20-50 years old. A mature 100 ft white oak can produce a 1000#s of acorns or 2400 acorns / tree. Multiply that by an acre, by a 100 ac. So here we are cutting mature tree to provide new growth for deer. And what do they do? So many deer in some areas now, that they browse the heck ourt of new seedlings, so instead of a cutover quickly reestblishing hardwood, then you have the less desirable browse of deer such a MFR that takes over. In addition, instead of having mature timber adding to the duff that creates our depleted timber soils, it erodes away with the barren type start over growth, and the roads that are placed thruout the mountainside. In addition, I want to manage my land, for not just the deer, but a animal population intertwined with each other and the land. Trust me, my forester friend is having a coronary as I type this.
So to me, there should be a way to manage the majestic mature mast trees yet still have browse at deer level just as it once did.

But to get to my random cluster TSI. My land lays from low to high elevation front to back. In addition, the acceptable land to plot tends to be in a S shape form ridge top , down to bottom, then up into the ravine. If you look at my pic from the ridgetop on a previous post, some plots are behind me, the bottom can be seen , and to the distant right of the bottom is a ravine plot, thus giving me that S shape. In addition, I have two main sanctuaries, one to your left of 10 ac, and another to your right of 15+ ac. The bear pics I showed, this larger sanctuarary is in the background. So I plan for the rut. Since most my wind is NW, then I cut timber along the SE side of the plots from near the entrance to my back two ridges, with the theory that bucks will cruise down wind scent checking the fields for estrous does.

Since I don't have the time or energy to cut that entire length, then I cut pockets, of anywhere of a few hundred square feet to an ac or more. These are interpersed by rather open mature timber. My theory, and it has proven true a lot of time, is that bucks will hopscotch from thicket to thicket, scentchecking those fields which are anywhere from 100-300 yds to the west. I also concentrate on obvious mountain buck habitat such as sidehill points, benches, and ridges. As the hinge or cutting is done, new growth has a chance and more important to me, the huge treetops of my mature oaks, produce even more mast without the competition. So the Fall gives me good hard mast crop, yet year round browse is produced for the deer. But most important to me, is the bucks follow the EDGE that is created by all these pockets, and that is where my stands sit, and since doing so have not always taken a deer but have always had a shooter within range as he follows my chainsaw created trail. I know this is confusing, and will go against most recommendation to cut , cut , and cut some more, especially the high dollar money making trees. I say, step back and think it thru, because the chainsaw is not always the deers best friend.

Below is classic example of virgin growth of Northern Spruce that has never been cut at 5000 ft with an obvious understory. Not for deer browse, but there are multitude of animals that prefer this habitat.
View attachment 1707

Here you can see regen of forest floor. Bad pic but area is surrounded by 2nd growth large red oaks. Favoite pathway along this edge for bucks and I have a stand just to the far edge of this.
View attachment 1715

And here is far ridgetop hinge cutting and timber dropping done couple weeks ago. Sidewalk left in middle guiding to stand to my left. This sits about 50 yds from thicket made over south side of hill . Each pocket/cluster is anywhere from 50-100 yds apart. Remember, to me its not so much the pocket, but the edge that gets created between one evironment to another, i.e., thick borders open, conifer borders hardwood, field borders feathering, you get my gist. Now that I've confused everyone, go at it, but think it thru just a little, listen to what the deer tell you and their manipulation is so much more simplified. Just my way of doing things, everyone with their land and topography and food sources should have their own input. Random Clusters, who would've thot. Thanks for reading. View attachment 1716

I was wondering when someone would ask you to esplain 'random clusters'. I am in a current state of 'random cluster *****' at this time!
BTW....about 50 of us went to the restaurant last night.....platter after platter of everything on the menu kept rolling from the kitchen! :)
Deer Patch, when I began this process, the clusters were widely scattered. As I observed pattern of the deer in relationship to them then I began to follow more of a pattern and as I add each year, the spacing between them becomes less. But I don't think I really want them to be continious. I like the deer to think.

Fly, everything I do in field or forest has Edge associated with it in my mind. I learned that years ago in a class project of analysis of rodents in relation to forest, field, and edges. Rodents/deer, a lot of similarities.

Good to see you among the active living, D. Hope your Cluster ends soon. And hope the waitress knew what Teramasu means this time. Wish I had been there, and less tired this time. Time for you to get your ass out of bed and post some of that off the wall, cattle stomping, water conserving preaching you are known for.
Slow day at work so I had some time to get caught up on this one. Great looking place, I think you might have the most scenic land tour in this place! Also agree with your healthly outlook on foodplots, as you have seen from my pics if it took a weed free monoculture to be a success every food plot I have ever planted would have been a failure. Most of mine end up as weedy messes and then the deer eat the weeds!
Deer Patch, when I began this process, the clusters were widely scattered. As I observed pattern of the deer in relationship to them then I began to follow more of a pattern and as I add each year, the spacing between them becomes less. But I don't think I really want them to be continious. I like the deer to think.

Fly, everything I do in field or forest has Edge associated with it in my mind. I learned that years ago in a class project of analysis of rodents in relation to forest, field, and edges. Rodents/deer, a lot of similarities.

Good to see you among the active living, D. Hope your Cluster ends soon. And hope the waitress knew what Teramasu means this time. Wish I had been there, and less tired this time. Time for you to get your ass out of bed and post some of that off the wall, cattle stomping, water conserving preaching you are known for.

Both of you can kiss.....! Been working 15 hr days lately and might have some time to post late at night when I should be in bed. Phonewent for a 1.5 hr swim so no pics for a week or so and may not retrieve what I took last couple weeks. MAny elms are shedding leaves...some oaks brown....many aborting acorns....highs hitting 100 with wind(flash drought).....missed a good rain yesterday....still growing grass and forbs on deeper soils.....moved cows to some bottom land to rest mesa for another of the cows which calved June 1 bred back today so ~ 70 return it should be per nature.....fall calvers are rediculously fat as ticks....March calvers look like crap and still haven't regained condition which is the penalty for going against nature. It is a normal summer for our area...other than 60% is good early and late in the day.
Good to see you kicking and liked the cattle update, D. Maybe if you didn't stay out so late partying with Teramasu???? Just saying. Sorry about the phone that sux.

So did as planned and spread my brassica mix of DER, PTT, and Forage Kale. Spread 100# 19-19-19 and 50# Urea / half ac. Then seed spread. If you don't have one of these Solo spreaders, get one. About 60$ on eBay. As you can see didn't get great kill w gly sprayed wk before. Partly to height of growth and partly rain after I sprayed. Should've mowed couple wks before. Do what you can do, not my living than goodness.

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I then mowed about 8 inches, didn't want to smother the seed. After that I sprayed again with Gly to kill weeds. Clover will probably just laugh at the Gly.MFDC1940B.jpg
After I was done, ready for rain. Right side will be WR mix planted early Sept. I will overseed brassica with WR and RC either early Nov or late winter depending on how heavily browsed. IMG_0010B.jpg
Upper field finished as well. These were the WR mixes last fall. I had heavy rain that afternoon. I can't tell you how relieved I can be when planting no till on these slopes with rain. I knew even with the downpours that their would be no erosion of my soil due to no bare soil waiting to be abused. I also see some that think rain is very required with throw and mow. That is no more true than with tillage and I will argue that this type of planting will survive a drought period after planting because the seed is protected from heat and the thatch retains at least some moisture to prevent overdrying. As with any technique , there are failed plantings that can occur for what ever reason.

Even tho my soil test don't say I should spread fert, I find brassica do better if given that jump start I used.

Couple pics. Thot for the arachnophobia crowd, a closeup of a spider. Hate walking thru the woods and into their webs this time of year. Would rather see a bear.

And some twins before I mowed, hope they aren't too dissappointed.

I'll post success or failure as it happens with the planting.
Along the lines of clean plots. We had a complete failure with our summer plantings because we were way too late planting and had way too much grass. 3 weeks ago I hung a cam on one of the "failed" plots and chummed it. From a mainstream perspective the plot looks like a bucket full of buttholes but the card pull this weekend seemed to indicate looks are very deceiving. In almost every pic on the card wher a deer is at the chum, there are multiple deer feeding all over the plot. One pic had a deer at the chum and ten scattered across the plot in the background feeding on remnants of last falls planting and weeds. Because we didn't disk or till, our failure has continued to draw and feed deer all summer.
Yea I think sometimes we do plotting for self-satisfaction. Amazing some of the response of deer to our so called failures can be. I will say, I never heard of putting out bait or such for a deer as "chumming" . I like that.
Outstanding plan and action as usual. Been a fan of your random cluster theory since you mentioned it. Place looks great.
Good to see you kicking and liked the cattle update, D. Maybe if you didn't stay out so late partying with Teramasu???? Just saying. Sorry about the phone that sux.

So did as planned and spread my brassica mix of DER, PTT, and Forage Kale. Spread 100# 19-19-19 and 50# Urea / half ac. Then seed spread. If you don't have one of these Solo spreaders, get one. About 60$ on eBay. As you can see didn't get great kill w gly sprayed wk before. Partly to height of growth and partly rain after I sprayed. Should've mowed couple wks before. Do what you can do, not my living than goodness.

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Thanks for reminding me....need to place an order. The motor on my Moultree went out last week.....13 years of service....yet another thing to go wrong.