Foodplotting In The Mountains...The Sequel

Thanks to a mid summer rainy season, my apples and pairs I planted this year have done great. Pairs are so much easier to maintain than apples, I might just concentrate on them more in the future. And for those that are scared of alfalfa, don't be. It's a great food for deer and thot thru, not that difficult for the plotter.IMG_0003B.jpg
A mixture of clovers, alfalfa, chicory, and several types of weeds. Great food for much of the year. In no till broadcast planting you have to be willing to accept a plot that is not a monoculture and not going to make the cover of Farmers Weekly. But more food , covering more times of the year, with more variety.IMG_0009B.jpg
You don't think you can manage mature timber to make good habitat?? I beg to differ. Don't believe everything you hear unless you prove it. Maybe you just haven't heard my theory of Ramdom Clusters yet. You will.
Another set of twin fawns belong to this momma.RCNX0430B.jpg
I had gotten a little worried about my friend. She had been MIA since last fall and I thot perhaps she was dead. She has produce triplets every 2 years since I've had the farm. I've found her winter dens twice. And I've had a couple of interesting standoffs in the dark with her and the cubs, but she always is more stubborn. So I was glad she had just been on a walkabout to find a mate to breed again. Good to see her even tho she stole all my blackberries. See anything else?RCNX0002B.jpg
Yep behind that log were her cubs asleep. Probably headed down to my clover plots and the blackberry patches or maybe to roll over a 1000# log to eat grubs. Or maybe just to play. Accept you improvements will make a home for a multitude of animals and plants. If it doesn't, then you are not letting it reach its full potential in my mind. Have a good evening people. Peace .RCNX0004B.jpg
Don't take my plotting descriptions of not approving of tillage. I'm ok if thats how you want to do it. I still do in situations. What I try to show, is alternatives that can be easier on the soil, easier to plant, and easier on the pocketbook. I just show, I place no blame whatsoever trust me.
But I do know, plots are but a small but fun part of managing deer. For the most part dollar for dollar, management of you natural browse will give you the best results.
See how the deer have kept this redoak from resprouting for three years now? You wonder why such invasives as MFR take over your logging or fields. Its not that its predominate, its that your deer chow down on every sprout of good tree that tries to take root. We live in a lot of places that the deer numbers are simply higher than the land can maintain, Yes thats what we want, but don't get bent out of shape when our forests are in disaray from the overbrowsing that occurs. Don' believe me? Cage in a 30x30 area within your woods for three years. Then come back and give me the answer. I have and its right scary.View attachment 1024

It's easier for me because the deer density is so low... I have an amazing amount of red and white oak seedlings popping up everywhere but I have a closed canopy and get little growth. I hope to release a lot of trees this winter...
Yea Kubota I work at opening canopy and it takes a bunch more cutting than one thinks

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Thanks Fish. Have enjoyed this forum immensely.

Had to sit thru course with good weather outside Friday. It hurt. But got to play some golf afterward. I always pay attention to golf courses and how they manage their ruffs. Rival most plotters fallow fields. Not much ruff here tho great day.

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Did get some trails recut from blown down trees. While on back ridge did some TSI to create a sidewalk and block my stand access on the left. I was sweating like a ... I have some better pics I'll post maybe tomorrow.

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Looking good dogghr. I agree on the pears versus apples for many reasons. And the Jap Beetles don't ear pear leaves.

Look at the pears at Wildlife Group if you haven't already and want to add different varieties. The ones I got are doing super.
Always looked forward to your updates and beautiful pics. So happy I get to continue the journey over here at DHF.

as always--thanks for sharing.

Thanks Native, I'll look those up. Def going to plant some more I think. Thanks, Doc, the transition has been fun for all of us once we got here I think.
Speaking of trees, the Hazelnuts have grown double in size. Some are out of tubes. Been real pleased with them, and hope to eventually sucker more of them as they age. I really like the releasable zip ties they sent with these tubes, Have been very pleased. Thanks again Doc for the recommendation.Hard to believe that I sprayed gly around each one, weeds are growing like crazy.IMG_0014b.jpg
As each flower loses its bloom, another plant/weed brings forth its attractant. Bees and butterflies were working hard today. They know what's around the corner. I've tried EW for screening, but honestly, for the effort money and time, just give me my natural weed. By fall they are 6+ feet tall and withstand any early ice, snow,or wind, lasting thru hunting season.. This mess is actually growing where I planted the EW a few years ago. I'm standing at nearly 6 foot so that should give you an idea. IMG_0018B.jpg
If you go no till, as I have said, you have to be willing to accept some plots that look pretty ragged. Trust me, everything you see before you is a foodplot for the deer. It might be intermixed with some grasses, and some unwanted weeds, but for the most part is providing a growing cycle better than I can put forth on this terrain. It's fun to walk thru the mess and notice the browse on various plants scattered about. You could plant a field of these blue flowers and have summer food from late May to early Sept. Our highways are lined with them.IMG_0011B.jpg
Sprayed gly on plots I am planting this weekend with brassica mix. Two Qts gly with !5 gal of water/ac. Hard to kill all this WC but I know it will bounce back soon after brassica are eaten anyways. Can't kill the stuff. Ugly plot isn't it? Bet the deer hate all that mix. Probably down in someones monoculture plot somewhere I'm quit sure. WC is 2 feet deep here to give you and idea.MFDC1806B.jpg
Nope, the deer hate the stuff. I need to mow more often and kill anything that doesn't look like it should be growing with clover.MFDC1795b.jpg
Final pic. My cubs liked the trophy rock. Pic a little blurry since one of the cubs licked the lense before this. Momma had slipped up ridge in background. Thanks for viewing. Deer Season is getting closer, and I'm getting anxious.RCNX0222B.jpg
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