Don't take my plotting descriptions of not approving of tillage. I'm ok if thats how you want to do it. I still do in situations. What I try to show, is alternatives that can be easier on the soil, easier to plant, and easier on the pocketbook. I just show, I place no blame whatsoever trust me.
But I do know, plots are but a small but fun part of managing deer. For the most part dollar for dollar, management of you natural browse will give you the best results.
See how the deer have kept this redoak from resprouting for three years now? You wonder why such invasives as MFR take over your logging or fields. Its not that its predominate, its that your deer chow down on every sprout of good tree that tries to take root. We live in a lot of places that the deer numbers are simply higher than the land can maintain, Yes thats what we want, but don't get bent out of shape when our forests are in disaray from the overbrowsing that occurs. Don' believe me? Cage in a 30x30 area within your woods for three years. Then come back and give me the answer. I have and its right scary.
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