That worked like a charm but not sure I would try that method. I built mine last summer (modular) 10' 4x4. Took the base out with the brackets in place, jammed the 4x4 in the slots and tilted it up by hand. Got the 4x4 where I wanted them and then added the cross members. Then just handed the walls up, got in place (3 of them) added the roof and then wall number 4. It took some planning but if I can do it anyone can. The hardest part was screwing down the metal roofing, but a taller ladder would have fixed that issue. Learn from my mistakes and that would be the only thing I would do different. And wish my windows were two inches higher and I would use 2x2 for my framing vs 2x4s. After hunting in mine this year, I love it!!!!! can't believe I waited this long to build one, it cost a little more than I thought it would but it was worth it!!!!! Good Luck and get it built!!!!!