Me too. Look at the coyote's bloody mouth in the top pic of the two above. Gotta remember where it is. It could be below zero and the blood is frozen before it drains off the deer's legs.
Yes, very cold. Per the data on the pictures it's minus 2.2 degrees Fahrenheit ( minus19 Celsius).
Sure, any pic can be faked, but I see no reason not to believe it. I looked and found the source of the pictures. They came from the Canadian Whitetail Facebook page.
That deer is obviously old and very heavy bodied. Considering his age and size, he isn't going to have the endurance to outdistance a pack of coyotes, and certainly wouldn't have the agility once depleted of his energy to defend his flank.
Whether it's real or not we may never know, but you can rest assured that this is something that could easily happen. My father once witnessed a single coyote pursuing a 3 year old buck in the summer on his farm. 99% of the time he would have had a rifle, but on this occasion he didn't. He said the deer's tongue was literally hanging out. The deer came within a few feet of where he was cutting wood, and he stepped between the deer and yote, which was about 100 yards behind it. When the yote saw him, it took off in the opposite direction at full throttle, and the chase ended.
I got a daylight picture this fall of the only old buck I had being chased by a single coyote (at least one coyote was all I got on camera). The coyote was about 15 seconds behind the buck, and both were running hard.
Also this fall, I had a picture of two does feeding in a small food plot in daylight. Last pic I had of them, they were bolting away, and 5 seconds later I got a single big coyote pursuing them.
Man is a predator, and coyotes are predators. Their prey overlaps in some instances - whitetail deer.
Coyotes kill foxes because the coyote is the superior predator and because foxes compete with them for food. I kill every coyote I can for the same reason - I'm the superior predator over them, and they are competing with me. So for any predator lovers out there, you should really love me a lot. I'm a cold blooded killer of coyotes..............................