Buried Fletchings

Sorry to hear about your ankle; It's one of those things that some of us risk regularly. Glad that it didn't stop you and am not surprised. Congratulations on getting out there and scoring on a great three year old. I have been wondering--Have you seen any activity on the hinge cut sidewalk you did a year or so ago?
This is by far the biggest bear I've ever got a pic of. I would love to hear some size and weight guesses. Thankfully this is the one and only pic thus far of this brute.


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Way to get the job done my friend. What we do to get our deer. I had my shoulder replacement in August and what I was more worried about than anything was being able to hunt.

Great buck and your plots look awesome. Todd
I wish you well on your property sale gator;it had to be a tough decision. That is an excellent mix of pictures you have in the sales ad;it shows the property to be setup for hunting very well.
I'll miss the property posts.......I have always been super jealous of how your plots look and the property in general. best of luck with sale and future endeavours.