Working at the Farm - Took a few I-Phone Pics

Thought I would update you guys on my recent activities. I just got through competing in the NWTF World Still Target Championship in Edgefield, SC. I was fortunate enough to win another championship this year in the 20 Gauge Open class. The pics below are my final targets to capture the win. The shotgun that the NWTF official is holding is one of my prizes for winning. You have to get them to mail the guns to a FFL back home and then you go do the paperwork and pick up the gun.

It was a long, hard trip but very fulfilling one. I got to see a 13 year old (son of a friend from NC) on my team beat all the adults (including myself) in the 12 gauge open division. In fact, he had the highest winning percentage of anyone at the shoot.

Take Care - Steve

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Steve...I feel like I have a close network of friends from the years posting on the QDMA and now this forum. You're one of them even though we've never met. Congrats to your bro!!! Happy for you and proud of you. So many salt of the earth guys on here and I rank you among the best! Thx for sharing!
Lots of exciting things going on in the world of NH! Good stuff buddy, congrats on the championship and so happy for your son on the property purchase.
Thanks everyone. It's a real blessing to me to be able to do this, and the relationships I have made is even a greater blessing.

I took a vacation day today and cleaned up son's new property for him. A big yard that hadn't been mowed this year was the challenge. I started out with the DR mower and went slow around the fences and buildings. Lots of cans and all kind of junk to deal with. Then I went and got my bushhog and did the rest of the yard. After that I got my riding lawn mower and chopped and hacked until it was looking super nice.

Also, a neighbor wanted the hay in the field, so we let him cut it. He was there today too. This is a property that went back to the bank, so lots of trash to deal with. But, we will have it in tip top shape soon, and after today, his yard looks better than mine at home...LOL.

Next job is to find someone to farm the field in beans next year. I already have a good lead - the guy who is farming the field across the fence on the next property.

I've breathed enough dust and pilewort pollen today to kill an elephant, but it looks like I'm going to survive - yep, a country boy can survive.
Congrats Native. Great story especially about the kid. I'm sure you are proud and should be. Are you that good at skeet shooting also?
Native hunter, I just read through this entire thread and wanted to say thank you for sharing. Picked up countless ideas and tips from reading. Also, Im teaching a NC wildlife class, could I use some of your habitat pics in my presentations? I share the powerpoint presentations on the schools website so I wanted to ask.
Native hunter, I just read through this entire thread and wanted to say thank you for sharing. Picked up countless ideas and tips from reading. Also, Im teaching a NC wildlife class, could I use some of your habitat pics in my presentations? I share the powerpoint presentations on the schools website so I wanted to ask.

Thanks, and yes it would be fine for you to use those pictures. Actually, a couple of years ago a guy from the Fish and Wildlife service asked the same thing, and I gave him permission to use them too..

If it is permissible I would like to see the finished Power Point so I can share it with my son. Just send me a link. But it's also fine if that can't be done.
Congrats Native. Great story especially about the kid. I'm sure you are proud and should be. Are you that good at skeet shooting also?

Thanks dogghr. I've never shot any skeet. When I was young my dad shot some trap, and I did some of that. I've always been pretty good with wingshooting. My strength is a quick reaction time. I don't quail hunt anymore, but I can remember years ago multiple times getting 3 on the rise with them coming up unexpected.

This still target shooting is quite a different sport. It's more like rifle shooting than wingshooting. Shooting skill is only a small part of this sport - however, skill at reading the wind is paramount. Even a little wind can move a shotgun pattern just enough to move the core off the spot. Having the gun and choke tuned to the shell is a big part of it too. If the gun won't do it, you don't have a chance, but if a guy has a good gun and can't read the wind, he won't win either. So, I guess it's kind of a combination of multiple things that it takes. Throw in the fact that there is a lot of variability in the mass loaded shells, and it can make for an interesting day! In every box of shells there will be some above average and some below average. So Lady Luck has to also be factored in the equation.
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Thanks everyone. It's a real blessing to me to be able to do this, and the relationships I have made is even a greater blessing.

I took a vacation day today and cleaned up son's new property for him. A big yard that hadn't been mowed this year was the challenge. I started out with the DR mower and went slow around the fences and buildings. Lots of cans and all kind of junk to deal with. Then I went and got my bushhog and did the rest of the yard. After that I got my riding lawn mower and chopped and hacked until it was looking super nice.

Also, a neighbor wanted the hay in the field, so we let him cut it. He was there today too. This is a property that went back to the bank, so lots of trash to deal with. But, we will have it in tip top shape soon, and after today, his yard looks better than mine at home...LOL.

Next job is to find someone to farm the field in beans next year. I already have a good lead - the guy who is farming the field across the fence on the next property.

I've breathed enough dust and pilewort pollen today to kill an elephant, but it looks like I'm going to survive - yep, a country boy can survive.
Congrats on the win and your son's new property., very nice to have your help getting things cleaned up.

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Congrats on the win and your son's new property., very nice to have your help getting things cleaned up.

Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk

Thanks, I was happy to do it for him. He lives and works 2 hours away and only gets to come back home occasionally. He hopes to get a job close to home someday and live on his new land.

He still has plenty of work to do at the place. Lots of junk to burn and haul off. I will help him with that too. It will be a super place to live and ties in perfectly with our other land.
NH- Next time you come to Edgefield,SC let me know. That's where my parents live and not far from Clemson,SC (< 2 hours), which where I currently live.