Working at the Farm - Took a few I-Phone Pics

Indian grass looks great! I have some of what I thought was Indian grass volunteer last year, but I'm not sure now. I'll get a pic of it when I go up next week.
I'm gonna try and finish up our winter plots ahead of this rain.

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There is one sure fire way to ID Indian even when it isn't flowering. Pull the leaf back from the stalk and you will see a rear gun sight.

Get some pics and I will help you ID it....
Native Hunter

Reading your updates is therapy to this old deer hunting. You fruit trees are impressed. I love the way you manage your farm and how you tell the story makes it a great thread. :)
Native Hunter

Reading your updates is therapy to this old deer hunting. You fruit trees are impressed. I love the way you manage your farm and how you tell the story makes it a great thread. :)

Glad you enjoy it Wayne. Looks like a bumper crop of chestnuts up our way this year.
Great update as usual, your place is what we should all strive for! Glad you get to spend time with your dad. My dad never was in to hunting or fishing. He lived through the Great Depression and was a Pearl Harbor survivor. He had a great work ethic and knew how to take care of his family. He had no hobbies, he just worked. He retired at 65 and two months later he went out and and got another job and worked well into his 70's. They don't make them like they used to! Hope you get to enjoy your dad for many years to come.
I'd say you are all set to sit back in that stand and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Beautiful pics and stories as usual. Love seeing your dad joining you. I don't blame him, I'd like to hang out with you on your place too!
How is that Barduro red clover doing over your way? Over here it seems to be about the only game in town as far as clover with our lack of rain. Your place looks great!
Thanks everyone.

Johnny, that first picture in Post #238 shows the edge of a plot where the Barduro was put in last year. The reason it's flowering this late is because I mowed it twice a while back. That picture shows the Barduro and chicory on a very poor and dry hillside - yet it is thriving.

I keep experimenting with different things in food plots each year, but so far I can't find anything that works better for me on this land. It will be eaten from the time it emerges in the spring to when it is gone in the winter, and the hot dry summer just seems to make it want to grow even more.
NH, I didn't see gun sights on it. This is a bunch grass of some sort. It makes large seed heads and they're just starting to show. I took a pic of one bunch by the 4 wheeler for height comparison, I'm guessing 7' or so.

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NH, I didn't see gun sights on it. This is a bunch grass of some sort. It makes large seed heads and they're just starting to show. I took a pic of one bunch by the 4 wheeler for height comparison, I'm guessing 7' or so.

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Johnson Grass?
Looked like Johnson to me too, I would guess either that or I do have some sort of grass that was planted in my yard that looks similar too. I will try to remember to take a picture tonight.
Merle, I am 85% sure that what you have there are native phragmites. Most of the phragmites that folks have seen are the invasive ones that were introduced, but we have native varieties that are not invasive, and the coloring in your stalks and leaves are almost a sure bet that this is what you have. If I could see a seed head I could be more sure.

I can't say that they are a bunchgrass, but I have seen them growing in clumps that definitely resemble a bunchgrass. I have seen these on hillsides in Eastern KY. Below are some links that compare the native to the introduced. You should be able to find enough information to make a positive ID.
I'll get another shot of it when it heads out. I'm pretty sure there is a field of it a mile or so away from me that they bail every year. I guess that's where it came from, it just showed up last year. It doesn't spread like j grass. I noticed one bunch and then this year several, but they aren't connected.

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