Well-Known Member
Congrats Okie! Can't wait to see the full pics and hear the story!Finally put it all together!
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Congrats Okie! Can't wait to see the full pics and hear the story!Finally put it all together!
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Congratulations, nice buck with a lot of characterOk, quick run down...had been getting photos of this buck for the past 3 years with these “Kickers” off his G2’s and decided if I had the opportunity he would be on the short list of deer I would take off our farm.
He disappeared off all the cameras about a week ago and I figured he met the same fate as many of our better deer which is poaching by someone using rifles day or night during our archery only season. I had been having a tough time getting to my main stand in the white oaks because deer seemed to already be there every time I went out and they would bust me. Yesterday I went out there with my tractor mid day and moved stands and put up posted signs and just basically ran every deer we had on the place out.
When I got done I waited till 4:00 and decided to go back out to the white oak stand. I got on stand and it was super slow for an hour when a Tom turkey came by but he was much too nervous to draw on. At about 6:35 I heard a deer walking and I finally saw it was a doe all alone coming in for acorns. I watched her a couple minutes and then I heard something else walking in and it was the buck with the Kickers. I got my bow off the hanger and got ready while I watched him work 2 scrapes, rub a tree, and stand behind limbs for what it seemed like forever. He finally took the 2 steps I needed and I drew and released hitting him a bit high and further back than I had hoped. He ran toward the deepest hollow on our place and I kept listening and finally I heard what I thought was him thrashing. I got down and went to the shot sight and found where he had torn up the ground leaking but very little blood. I followed small spots of blood using my light because it was getting dim and my old eyes aren’t what they used to be. I found him at the brink of the hollow and in 3 more yards he would have rolled to the bottom of it...the high back entry wound came out just in front of his hip and all his blood ran out when he hit the ground. I took a couple photos last night, gutted him, weighed him, and then used my iPhone this morning on a timer setting with my tractor as the holder to get the daytime photos.
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European...thanks!Congrats Okie! That's a great deer and a good story. Another mount?
I will show him this post. He is a rare kid that can sit absolutely still and quiet. Gonna be 78 and the exact wrong wind...what can go wrong! LolLove it. Congrats to both. Good luck going after that buck