Just a couple quick pics of the backyard "Rock Plot"...clover and WR grain.
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Mrs. Okie should have been there!
Congrats on the promotion! I'm sure it's well deserved.
Great to see those plots looking green. Rain has been inconsistent here and my plots are still pretty barren.
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Is that the bully buck?
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No, the bully is here on the Hollow... lucky 7 is on our deer lease a few miles south...still same county.Nice growth on the plus, flint grows some good looking grub.
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Thank you for the offer...between soybean seed and herbicide I will owe you much!BTW if you need a few oz's of clearcast for that smart weed let me know. I picked up a gallon for my clover/alfalfa/chicory plots.
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Your welcome,Thank you for the offer...between soybean seed and herbicide I will owe you much!
Yes, I certainly want to try soybeans next year as an experiment. I have a low deer density so I think I will be able to stay ahead of them. I am working with between 2.5 and 3 acres I believe...it will probably be 2 acres of beans...gotta leave some cloverDidn't you mention that you wanted to plant soybeans in that plot next year? How many acres is it? I'm curious to see how they would do, because I think I have a similar deer density.
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That's a beautiful plot Okie.
Most everyone on this forum can have great looking plots if they either have enough or not too much rain. I am just glad I planted the day after the spigot turned off back in mid August so those brassicas could put roots down because if I had waited on rains to return we would have no radishes because the frost is upon us and a lot of folks only planted within the past 2 weeks...thanks for the kind words...Dang, you have gone from brown to lush green quickly. Congratulations on great looking plots. All you needed was rain.
Okie...Had to go back a few pages to catch up on your thread. Miss a few weeks and miss all kind of news. Congrats on the promotion!!! Like other's have said, work ethic is a beautiful thing and always brings good fortune. Your plots look fantastic compared to the last time I was on here. Rain is a beautiful thing. Nice bucks roaming around to boot! Always enjoy catching up on your thread.