"Whitetail Hollow" - 90 Acres NE Oklahoma.

Fun day at the dyno! Can't belive ya hit 924 at such a low rpm. Amazing!

A trick I used to do to do with timing at startup was to turn the ignition power off, but keep power to the starter. Get the engine spinning first then turn power on to the ignition. That way the starter motor isn't fighting the advance in the timing when first cranking. Pretty low tech compared to what you're doing.
I have done the same...the MSD Grid I use is infinitely adjustable. When I add the nitrous to this engine it will automatically pull the timing I type into it as soon as the nitrous solenoid activates Is one thing but there are so many other things it can do. You can put a fiber optic on #1 plug wire and you can actually change the timing per hole...
I was here yesterday wondering where you were at, figured you were too busy making movies. I was right. Nice buck the Mrs. got.

I had a rough year for deer. The first young 10 point buck I shot I thought was the 2nd 10 pointer I actually got That I had some history with. the Deer here at home never cooperated while I was able to hunt them with a North wind. Only 2 daylight camera photos here and both on south wind days...this year was all about restocking the freezer because we were completely out of deer meat! Pigs helped with the meat deal as well! In the video “Getting Piggy” I had a close encounter with the biggest deer I have seen in person all year and even got a shot with my bow which I proceeded to screw up!
Ive thought of you recently... your monster bucks, tight fences, and fast GTO's. Hope things are going well for you and yours!
Been nearly a year since I have posted on this thread. Been a tough season! Got a really good buck on Camera and still hunting him and hoping he is actually still alive. Middle of rifle season here. Passed up a bunch of deer trying to catch up with a ridge runner…
Yes, I understand not posting for a while. I was tied down for a few years with a job position that left limited time for habitat things, now I'm bit freer again. Good to hear about your hunting, post a few pics. How's work going with the blade?
Good to hear from you Johnny. Been more than a decade since all this started on the old forum. Glad to see so many still posting.