Frosted brassica
I like the late season draw of brassicas.
I have a field I can hunt that is back in soybeans this year and I plan to overseed with brassicas in certain spots.
My question is what varieties of brassicas have done the best for you with this planting method?
My guess for my area (7b) is that the diakon type radish have provided slightly more growth with this method than the turnip/rape varieties I have tried over the years, but it is almost too close to call because it seems like yearly timing and moisture conditions have made the most difference.
Does anyone have the experience to recommend one brassica variety over another for best production when overseeding into standing soybeans?
The basic varieties I usually use are PTT, DER, and one of the deep rooted diakon type radishes.
Thanks for sharing your experience,
Frosted Brassica
I like the late season draw of brassicas.
I have a field I can hunt that is back in soybeans this year and I plan to overseed with brassicas in certain spots.
My question is what varieties of brassicas have done the best for you with this planting method?
My guess for my area (7b) is that the diakon type radish have provided slightly more growth with this method than the turnip/rape varieties I have tried over the years, but it is almost too close to call because it seems like yearly timing and moisture conditions have made the most difference.
Does anyone have the experience to recommend one brassica variety over another for best production when overseeding into standing soybeans?
The basic varieties I usually use are PTT, DER, and one of the deep rooted diakon type radishes.
Thanks for sharing your experience,
Frosted Brassica