I don't disagree with your approach at all. To each their own. I never once said others need to follow my approach to life and don't expect many would. I am just a person that strives to be as successful as possible in everything I do. I also do this for a living so if I don't take this approach then how would I be successful or my clients be successful. So if you paid me to come hunt and said oh I am feeling a little under the weather today I think I am just going to lay on couch and watch football today and oh by the way I am sorry that farm had a great place for a 3 acre plot on it but well I didn't get to it and sorry there is no bedding on that farm because I didn't get my hinge cutting done last winter/spring. So here are the coordinates to get to your farm and you need to get some stands hung to hunt because I didn't have time, oh by the way the neighbors around that property don't like trespassing so don't get off the farm. Oh you don't know where the lines are? No big deal it's not my ticket. Pretty sure you wouldn't want to pay for that service and I couldn't take people's hard earned money for that service.
So as you can see I don't have time to sit and smell the roses so to say. But I can guarantee you this I do not overlook any great moments and have them everyday (I meet great people along the way). I also have had an awesome journey to this point in life and as long as I continue to breathe I will not miss a thing along the way. I will just pass by these moments faster than some on my journey. But I agree this approach is not for everyone but it is "MY" approach.
That makes more sense to me now. If I was doing it for a living, I'd be going hell bent for election too. Kinda like selling boats....push em hard til Mother Nature says whoa.
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