Triple C's Place

TC, I felt like I was in the vehicle with you. Your place is looking beautiful.

Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery too!!!!
Thanks guys! Feeling much, much better. Had follow up visit with doc last Thursday. Gave me one more round of antibiotics but said I could resume all activities. Went to the farm this weekend but nothing new to really report. Boys leave for Colorado sometime next week for their annual elk trek. Be gone for bout 12 days. Plan to plant sometime in late September. Had a herd in front of the cabin Friday evening. Fawns running everywhere. Beautiful sight to see. I did a pretty decent chicken cook Saturday evening and will post pics in the Outdoor Cafe section.
Good luck to your boys out west. You better get out there with them while you are still young. When I was several years younger I met my son Adam (he was 19 at the time) in Boston for us to spend a couple of weeks in the Northeast. He had worked a camp in Pa that summer and was finishing up. We did Boston and north. Got to Maine's Baxter State Park (about 30,000 acres of mountains) and he wanted to hike up one of the tallest. "We can do it, Dad!" he said. What a beautiful hike up that mountain. I know because the last half I was going so slow that Native Hunter and dogghr would have been proud of me for stopping often to enjoy the to catch my breath.
We made it. Was a beautiful site and a trip I will always remember.
Good luck to your boys out west. You better get out there with them while you are still young. When I was several years younger I met my son Adam (he was 19 at the time) in Boston for us to spend a couple of weeks in the Northeast. He had worked a camp in Pa that summer and was finishing up. We did Boston and north. Got to Maine's Baxter State Park (about 30,000 acres of mountains) and he wanted to hike up one of the tallest. "We can do it, Dad!" he said. What a beautiful hike up that mountain. I know because the last half I was going so slow that Native Hunter and dogghr would have been proud of me for stopping often to enjoy the to catch my breath.
We made it. Was a beautiful site and a trip I will always remember.

Lak...I've considered it but my better judgement says no. They pack in from trailhead with everything on their back. Hunting in wilderness area with no trails after certain point. Glass above tree line. Last year north of 12K. The terrain is more than I want, or prolly could bite off. Pretty sure this is Brooks 9th yr. Dustin's 4th. Only 1 bull in all those yrs. Lots of close encounters most years but tough to make it all come together. Good Lord providing, I'll book a guided hunt with them in a few more years where we're eating meals every night and sleeping in a bed!

If they used a base camp I would go with em. But they don't. They're sleeping wherever they end the day. I'll post up some satellite pics when they start sending them. Found out they are not leaving til Sunday so they won't be hunting until late Wednesday of nxt week.
Great ride around Triple C;I enjoyed the trip and really like your entryway starting with the narrow dirt road leading up to it. Hope you feel 100% soon.
Great ride around Triple C;I enjoyed the trip and really like your entryway starting with the narrow dirt road leading up to it. Hope you feel 100% soon.
I feel a 100% again. Actually sitting in Midway Chicago airport traveling on biz. Looking forward to a long Labor Day weekend!
This pic is from the back of the area we had clear cut in the south end of the bean field, looking back toward the bean field. This was cut last October. Amazing what sunlight and rain will do to the ground compared to what was nothing but mostly pine straw this time last year. The water hole is on the left around the pines you see with the trunks showing.
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You will be amazed at what that sunlight in improved water use will do for a deer herd in a few years too!

BTW.....the cow herd has gained quite the affinity for sickle point in spraying what they will denude!
Let me know what you find out from the GFC. I really like these plants for screening. They form a bush type shape and grow really fast.
TC - I contacted the GFC office in Milledgeville earlier this week. GFC will not have wax myrtle seedlings available this year as "the timing for the seedling lot was off". They do plan on offering wax myrtles again next year. The lady I spoke with was very helpful and she also checked for me the SC GFC and they also were not offering wax myrtle seedlings this year. I inquired about surrounding states (i.e. FL, AL, TN) and she shared with me that seedlings offered in those states are through private growers. She suggested to call the GFC in those states to obtain info about growers. I will be doing that soon and will keep you posted.
TC - I contacted the GFC office in Milledgeville earlier this week. GFC will not have wax myrtle seedlings available this year as "the timing for the seedling lot was off". They do plan on offering wax myrtles again next year. The lady I spoke with was very helpful and she also checked for me the SC GFC and they also were not offering wax myrtle seedlings this year. I inquired about surrounding states (i.e. FL, AL, TN) and she shared with me that seedlings offered in those states are through private growers. She suggested to call the GFC in those states to obtain info about growers. I will be doing that soon and will keep you posted.

Check with Superior Tree Nursery in Fl. I have seen them there and they are great to deal with.

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TC - I contacted the GFC office in Milledgeville earlier this week. GFC will not have wax myrtle seedlings available this year as "the timing for the seedling lot was off". They do plan on offering wax myrtles again next year. The lady I spoke with was very helpful and she also checked for me the SC GFC and they also were not offering wax myrtle seedlings this year. I inquired about surrounding states (i.e. FL, AL, TN) and she shared with me that seedlings offered in those states are through private growers. She suggested to call the GFC in those states to obtain info about growers. I will be doing that soon and will keep you posted.
Noticed they didn't have them listed on their website this year. Someone on here turned me onto Superior Tree Nursery as ALwoodsman said below and I noticed they have them.

Check with Superior Tree Nursery in Fl. I have seen them there and they are great to deal with.
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Thx for the info! Any of you guys down south that need a native screen these are great plants.

AC TC, how are the boys doing?G
George - Very disappointed and a little sickened. Brooks has gone out many times - maybe 8 or 9 years. Some years solo. He's taken a nice 6x6 bull and also a muley in velvet. This is Dustin's 4th or 5th year. He arrowed his first on this trip - a nice 6x6. Sad to report they did not recover the animal. Brooks is confident it was not lethal as the bull ran up a mountain and down the other side into a ravine and then back up the other side. Spent part of the evening and the next day tracking but not much of a blood trail the eventually played out. Never found where the animal had bedded. Very difficult ending to a great hunting experience. Brooks said it was a strange week in that there were not weather fronts that came thru, warm and very little bugling. Described it as their most difficult and frustrating trip in that elk where hard to locate and just not moving. Pretty hard core hunting. No outfitter. Everything packed in from the trail head on public ground and seem to get on elk most every year but seldom under the right conditions to release an arrow. Like I said...only one bull in 8 or 9 years.

Brooks tag is good till the 24th and had planned to stay thru this week. Dustin had pre-planned to come out on Monday as he couldn't stay longer. The videographer was supposed to stay with Brooks but decided he'd had enough and was ready to come home so back they came. Brooks told me yesterday that he may go back solo on Sunday if he can't find someone to go with him. Knows a packer that could pack out if he connects on a solo trip. Has a sat phone and Spot Me device that updates his location in case of emergency. He's consumed with chasing elk. Good thing he's still single!

Not much going on at the farm - thus no recent updates. It is so hot and dry down here right now. We've prepped for fall plots but the worse thing you can do down here is plant to early with no moisture. May be the very end of September before we get anything in the ground.
You will be amazed at what that sunlight in improved water use will do for a deer herd in a few years too!

BTW.....the cow herd has gained quite the affinity for sickle point in spraying what they will denude!
Doug...I've learned to never say never when it comes to just about anything. But, in the case of cows on our property, until I retire, and then I'm not sure beyond that, I don't see cows as habitat tools in our future. I'll have to keep finding other ways to deal with sickle pod which up to this point, is mostly pulling them up. They are shallow rooted and pull up easily. Just hope I don't get infested with the stuff.

But, I love reading your stuff. Your soil sermons have not gone unnoticed. I'm seeing more and more guys on our local forum posting links to videos you've shared for all the years I've been on forums. And, I'd say I'm at least somewhat informed and continue to be more informed regarding soil health due to your diligence and sharing your knowledge and experience. Never feel qualified to comment on too many of your posts but read em all.
Noticed they didn't have them listed on their website this year. Someone on here turned me onto Superior Tree Nursery as ALwoodsman said below and I noticed they have them.

Thx for the info! Any of you guys down south that need a native screen these are great plants.

George - Very disappointed and a little sickened. Brooks has gone out many times - maybe 8 or 9 years. Some years solo. He's taken a nice 6x6 bull and also a muley in velvet. This is Dustin's 4th or 5th year. He arrowed his first on this trip - a nice 6x6. Sad to report they did not recover the animal. Brooks is confident it was not lethal as the bull ran up a mountain and down the other side into a ravine and then back up the other side. Spent part of the evening and the next day tracking but not much of a blood trail the eventually played out. Never found where the animal had bedded. Very difficult ending to a great hunting experience. Brooks said it was a strange week in that there were not weather fronts that came thru, warm and very little bugling. Described it as their most difficult and frustrating trip in that elk where hard to locate and just not moving. Pretty hard core hunting. No outfitter. Everything packed in from the trail head on public ground and seem to get on elk most every year but seldom under the right conditions to release an arrow. Like I said...only one bull in 8 or 9 years.

Brooks tag is good till the 24th and had planned to stay thru this week. Dustin had pre-planned to come out on Monday as he couldn't stay longer. The videographer was supposed to stay with Brooks but decided he'd had enough and was ready to come home so back they came. Brooks told me yesterday that he may go back solo on Sunday if he can't find someone to go with him. Knows a packer that could pack out if he connects on a solo trip. Has a sat phone and Spot Me device that updates his location in case of emergency. He's consumed with chasing elk. Good thing he's still single!

Not much going on at the farm - thus no recent updates. It is so hot and dry down here right now. We've prepped for fall plots but the worse thing you can do down here is plant to early with no moisture. May be the very end of September before we get anything in the ground.

Sorry to hear they were not able to seal the deal on Dustin' s bull. Elk are tough like deer so there is a good chance of full recovery. Maybe Brooks can get back out there later...

Planting when it is dry is frustrating to say the least but seed can sit in soil a long time. I ran out of planting time for this year other than possibly just broadcasting so I had to put seed to soil in terribly dry conditions. I am crossing my fingers for rain from a front over the next 2 days. We got a small shower yesterday...
That's a tough break for Dustin. Go Brooks go. I'm discovering why the success rate in Colorado for elk is 15%.

Okie...We gonna wait one more week before planting. Looking at the 15 day forecast, lots of moisture and cooler temps coming in about a week. Plus, if Brooks heads back to CO I'd have to pull a routine like you do and get it done myself if I wanted to plant this weekend. Think I'll wait...:D

That's a tough break for Dustin. Go Brooks go. I'm discovering why the success rate in Colorado for elk is 15%.

George, I wouldn't be surprised if Brooks eventually ends up out there. He almost did back in 2009. Glad he changed his mind. Kinda selfish but I like him being here. But, he absolutely loves it out there. Kinda goes into a funk for a couple of weeks when he returns.
One has to diversify out here. 60+ degrees in Keosauqua Iowa this morning, 35 degrees here under Coyote Hill. 63 in my house with no heat, my house in Iowa would be about 40 degrees if it were 35 outside. I will probably buy a fly rod after my elk season closes on the 25th.

George - Just got off phone with Brooks. He's headed back Monday for 1 more week. Fly's into Eagle CO around noon on Monday and out the following Monday. 1st time flying. Said he couldn't make a solo round trip drive. Hope he is able to make it happen next week!