Reminds me of a funny story. It's gross so quit reading if you're excessively prissy and formal.
When I remarried five years ago, my new bride was enthused to hunt, so it was woodsmanship 101, and she is a natural. One of the last days of her first season on a cold December day, we get out of the truck, and she was being quiet as taught, etc. It was about a 75 yard walk to the stand. All of a sudden, I've got to number two. And it cannnnnnnnnooooot wait. So I go about twenty yards away from her while she continues to put on her scentfree washed gear and boots, etc, by the truck. She's outside changing in the dark.
My number two was a little louder than I would've liked. When I come back over to the truck, I whisper, "could you hear me over here?"
She couldn't answer because she's laughing hysterically at a whisper level. When she finally can whisper words rather than laughter, she said, "Could I hear you???? It sounded like a string of firecrackers going off. Pop pop pop pop pop pop pop!"
We still laugh at that.
We didn't see any deer that morning. Duh, right?