Well-Known Member
Had a hopefully soon productive morning at the Massey. We got a half inch of rain there this morning, which was a nice surprise. Need a lot more, but we’ll take it. There is a decent chance for rain this weekend, so I went ahead and got the brassicas in. Dawna was off today too, so she lent a hand.
First time in a long time I’ve been able to disk without wearing a dust mask, that was very nice!

The “perineal plot” has a little clover and chicory in it, the poor chicory that has actually survived the drought gets hit mercilessly.

The deer aren’t the only ones enjoying the bindweed areas, the dung beetles are having a “ball” as well. Lol

The pumpkins looked to be enjoying the 1/2” rain

As dry as it has gotten lately, we still haven’t seen beans like this in 4 years!! Which is SO nice.

One of Catscratch’s acorns. This tree has just done well to survive the last 3 years. Hopefully a lot of watering work will finally pay off one day. I haven’t had to water it once yet this year.

One last pic before we headed out, will this be our first successful brassica plot since 2020?? I have some hopes for the first time in a while.
First time in a long time I’ve been able to disk without wearing a dust mask, that was very nice!

The “perineal plot” has a little clover and chicory in it, the poor chicory that has actually survived the drought gets hit mercilessly.

The deer aren’t the only ones enjoying the bindweed areas, the dung beetles are having a “ball” as well. Lol

The pumpkins looked to be enjoying the 1/2” rain

As dry as it has gotten lately, we still haven’t seen beans like this in 4 years!! Which is SO nice.

One of Catscratch’s acorns. This tree has just done well to survive the last 3 years. Hopefully a lot of watering work will finally pay off one day. I haven’t had to water it once yet this year.

One last pic before we headed out, will this be our first successful brassica plot since 2020?? I have some hopes for the first time in a while.