The Massey

I ended up taking the mower over to mow down the bindweed, and I’m GLAD I did. There was much more of it around than I thought. Some was already beginning to suffocate one of our young red oaks. I called the extension office and will hopefully hear back from them tomorrow, about what to use in terms of spray. It would be great if they would pay for a portion of the chemical, since this is an invasive, but I’m not counting on that. I don’t want to use glyphosate on it on these bigger area and kill everything. Especially on the hillside and in the waterway. I’m hoping that by mowing, it will getting the older parts of it growing aggressively again, so I can get a good kill.

Check with your County Public Works. Here in Geary County they can sell you some chemicals at really cheap prices. They don’t have everything, but they do have some

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