The Massey

Got the back foodplot thrown and mowed today. We don’t have any chance for rain in the forecast, but my time is running out to get into that plot, it’s on the backside of our place and I have to access it through the neighbors, and I told them I would not drive the tractor across in October or later. Not much moisture, but the thatch is good. Hopefully will hide some of the seed from turkeys. Threw oats, wr, and ww, along with 6 lbs of clover mix and chicory. Seeded the entire half acre with cereal and only half of it with the clover/chicory. A quarter acre with 6 lbs of seed lol! I figured it’s likely gonna die anyway, so I might as well try something different.
Most of my contributions lately have been venting about drought, so I thought I better add something a little more constructive. The mock scrape has begun to flip the switch. Before last night, deer were occasionally nosing it a couple times a week. Apparently the deer know it is October 1st today, because they went full on fall mode beginning last night.
This doe couldn’t get enough of the licking branch.
Bucks were very interested last night as well. Just ready to get a big boy or two visiting soon hopefully.
On a side note, since no rain is forecasted, rather than little rain, my plan is to get the rest of the plots thrown and mowed this next week. Back in the drought of ‘11-‘12, we got no rain until November, which allowed the seed to just sit and wait, when the rain finally came all of the seed flourished. I’m hoping for the same this year.
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Got a lot done at the Massey today. Finished up the lower barn plot. T&M’d oats/wheat/rye into 1.5 acres. Threw additional clover mix with chicory into a third of it. The brassicas planted the first week of August are amazingly still pretty green, although they should be 3x as tall and have bulbs right now. Not bad though for 57 days without rain. They got a good 2.5” a week after I planted them and haven’t had more than a couple sprinkles since. The final product, along with the brassicas it’s about 1.75 acres right now. If we can get rid of this blasted drought, I’ll open more of it back up again. The disc is just for looks this time and positioned to anchor the blind to.
Had to go back and get some Johnson grass out of the way of the cell cam and took some pics of acorns on the way out. Might not be seeing the deer much in another week or so.
And wrapped up with another tree watering trek.
Won’t have to access the back stands through the neighbors this year…
Got another spot t&m’d today. Hopefully it eventually rains. I’m going have to try to find more wheat and rye for a couple plots that look to have been completely raided of seed the last 3.5 weeks.
I wish I was as tough as chicory…