Spray - Throw - Mow - Dukes of Hazard Plot

Native Hunter

Well-Known Member
This picture was taken today. I honestly don't remember the exact date I planted the seed but seems like around the end of July or maybe a little earlier.

Sprayed the weeds with 25 gal sprayer from pickup truck.

Waited 2 weeks and spread the seed with a hand spreader. Seed were Diakon Radish, Oats, Birdsfoot Trefoil, medium red clover, ladino clover, chicory.

Mowed with DR walk behind mower.

Packed with the pickup truck - driving wildly around and around in circles like the Dukes of Hazard.

Did not fertilize at first but did hit it with a little 7-20-20 last weekend just before a rain.


I cannot believe the deer are letting that field grow that much!! Looks great. Been doing the throw and mow several years now and every year it amazes me. Wish I would of learned about it years ago.
I cannot believe the deer are letting that field grow that much!! Looks great. Been doing the throw and mow several years now and every year it amazes me. Wish I would of learned about it years ago.

They have hit it some but not hard yet. I have another plot by their bedding area and they are mowing it down. It is mostly buckwheat but has other stuff too. This is my first year to plant buckwheat and love it. I will be doing a buckwheat plot every year from now on.

This plot in the picture is a pretty good ways from where they bed, but when the fall movement starts, this one should get hit harder.
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Looks awesome!!!!

Anyway you could post a pic of the buckwheat? I came really close to going with buckwheat this spring but went w Alyce clover. Ill probably try bw next year.
Looks awesome!!!!

Anyway you could post a pic of the buckwheat? I came really close to going with buckwheat this spring but went w Alyce clover. Ill probably try bw next year.

Sure thing. This pic was taken last Saturday I think. The buckwheat is already making seed but still be browsed hard. It also has some other species down in the buckwheat, and they are cherry picking the diakon radishes out of it.

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Thanks for the pics and some ideas. P.S. You have some real redneck names for plots, i.e. Rebel without a cause. If I named plots they would probably be"Broken Dreams" and"Wasted Time" or "Nother Faalyur"

As Larry the Cable Guy would say, "That right there is funny - I don't care who you are."

In week or two I will post pics of my "Take me Home Country Roads" Plot. It is new this year. I turned a travel way into a long food plot.
This picture was taken today. I honestly don't remember the exact date I planted the seed but seems like around the end of July or maybe a little earlier.

Sprayed the weeds with 25 gal sprayer from pickup truck.

Waited 2 weeks and spread the seed with a hand spreader. Seed were Diakon Radish, Oats, Birdsfoot Trefoil, medium red clover, ladino clover, chicory.

Mowed with DR walk behind mower.

Packed with the pickup truck - driving wildly around and around in circles like the Dukes of Hazard.

Did not fertilize at first but did hit it with a little 7-20-20 last weekend just before a rain.



Awesome. Amazing how thot processes have changed in the last dozen years from a requirement of tillage. Good stuff. Thanks

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I do blame you! Haha. It has went pretty dry here since I decided to plant. On the other hand, my throw and mow corn is tasseling out now.


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Is that really throw and mow corn? Do you use a cultipacker?

That looks amazing!
Is that really throw and mow corn? Do you use a cultipacker?

That looks amazing!

Yep. Planted into very tall weeds and black berries. Mowed it down and then sprayed gly once the weeds started coming back. The only packing done was a couple of boot stomps on some bare spots (no thatch covering). Rained the day I planted and then nothing for 3 weeks but since I’ve had great rain until now but should get some today

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