Native Hunter
Well-Known Member
This picture was taken today. I honestly don't remember the exact date I planted the seed but seems like around the end of July or maybe a little earlier.
Sprayed the weeds with 25 gal sprayer from pickup truck.
Waited 2 weeks and spread the seed with a hand spreader. Seed were Diakon Radish, Oats, Birdsfoot Trefoil, medium red clover, ladino clover, chicory.
Mowed with DR walk behind mower.
Packed with the pickup truck - driving wildly around and around in circles like the Dukes of Hazard.
Did not fertilize at first but did hit it with a little 7-20-20 last weekend just before a rain.
Sprayed the weeds with 25 gal sprayer from pickup truck.
Waited 2 weeks and spread the seed with a hand spreader. Seed were Diakon Radish, Oats, Birdsfoot Trefoil, medium red clover, ladino clover, chicory.
Mowed with DR walk behind mower.
Packed with the pickup truck - driving wildly around and around in circles like the Dukes of Hazard.
Did not fertilize at first but did hit it with a little 7-20-20 last weekend just before a rain.