Qustion for the Raddish Gurus

How the hell did you hunt and watch 3 hours of video??? Give me a synopsis until I have the time please.

LOL, I haven't yet, but we know that Doug wouldn't post it if it wasn't good stuff. I watched just enough to hook me for a rainy day when I will watch all of it.

PS: I did watch the long winded one he posted a while back on how the landscape changed without the presence of cattle. It was super cool with the pics from years ago compared to the present. You need to watch that one.......
Must confess I have not read all the posts in this thread but do have an unusual for me radish report. I planted 3 lbs daikon radishes and 1 lb ptt per acre in a number of clover fields late Sept. It has not rained since I planted them and there was essentially no rain in Sept. Yesterday I mowed them high as they were canopying the fields in such a way I believed they would choke the clover out. Unbelievable growth. The mowing just set them back hoping for a rain and the clover to come thru.

Planted directly to a clover field along w 50 lbs wheat/acre with a no till drill. More acreage than deer could eat as I like to add to the fields for soil health.
Must confess I have not read all the posts in this thread but do have an unusual for me radish report. I planted 3 lbs daikon radishes and 1 lb ptt per acre in a number of clover fields late Sept. It has not rained since I planted them and there was essentially no rain in Sept. Yesterday I mowed them high as they were canopying the fields in such a way I believed they would choke the clover out. Unbelievable growth. The mowing just set them back hoping for a rain and the clover to come thru.

Planted directly to a clover field along w 50 lbs wheat/acre with a no till drill. More acreage than deer could eat as I like to add to the fields for soil health.
If you have subsoil moisture brassica will find it...as long as soil isn't compacted....with good no-till management you will efficiently retain topsoil water also!
Before long that shooting house of his will have power and wi-fi....then the sky is the limit!

Instead of the term "shooting house" I prefer to use "post classical harvest facility."

PS: Son had to go back to work so he took a 3 YO yesterday. I've passed my wide 8 twice and still have my heart set on Abby Normal (at least for now).
Now that I have broken the "radish ceiling" what other brassicas (besides PTT) do the brassica gurus recommend that I also try next year??
Now that I have broken the "radish ceiling" what other brassicas (besides PTT) do the brassica gurus recommend that I also try next year??
I'm no guru by any stretch but I tried a forage radish and forage turnips this year and have seen great utilization of them. Better than I remember seeing with the PTT I usually use. Keeping in mind I only have about 1.5 acre to work with, the rest is timber.
I'm no guru by any stretch but I tried a forage radish and forage turnips this year and have seen great utilization of them. Better than I remember seeing with the PTT I usually use. Keeping in mind I only have about 1.5 acre to work with, the rest is timber.

That sounds good.. Where did you get your seed?
That sounds good.. Where did you get your seed?
I got mine at the MFA (Missouri farm agency). I had intended to get GHR and PTT but ended up with what they had available which was forage products apparently intended for cattle usage. Funny how things work out sometimes.
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Just classic. PTT, rape, cheap radish. I also use lettuce and anything else sitting in CoOp thats cheap. Mix in with WW, or WR, maybe some RC, throw it all in the spreader and plant early/mid Aug,, over seeding into a sprayed or tilled or mowed plot. Good to go. Overseed late winter with WR and RC if its a monoculture brassica plot and you have nearly 12 months of food. Rotate the next fall.
I don't like the Daikon/GHFR even tho LC was all about it. It's too expensive compared to the other seed, and my deer devour it as soon as it sprouts. Just not worth the time and cost in my opionion when other seeds do just as well with attraction and less expensive.
Be careful having conversation with first time planters in your area when you recommend planting Rape, you can get some funny looks and it takes some 'plainin.
Now I'm seeing a bunch of them taken on down to the ground, and some started on that were previously untouched:

Guess they were afraid to tackle this one:

Pulled the plot card today and nearly every radish had been browsed on top. No sign of them eating the root yet.
I have no more than a handful of rape and they have eaten on them too. Thats a first. But this is the first year ive ever really attracted deer to a foodplot. They are in it every night and might be willing to try anything on the table.