OFFICIAL 2019 Nut/Seed exchange thread


Well-Known Member
I reached out to CAS_HNTR with no response (offering to let him kick this thread off as he has done in the past) I will get this show started. This year, like in years past I encourage all us property managers to try to help out our fellow managers. As summer fades to fall much of natures mast supply is becoming ready, acorns are growing, fruit is ripening and the like. If you have a desire for a specific seed or if you have an excess of something that you can offer - PLEASE make a post here. I know I have sent seed and received seed in the past thru these sorts of threads before. It's a great way to get your hands on small quantities of something you may not other wise have access to. All you have to do is ASK!
I should have access to:

Native Paw-paw
Swamp white oak
May have some chinkapin oak (the big one - NOT DCO)
I’ve got Allegheny Chinkapins again this year. Would be happy to send some to anyone who wants them. They’re usually ready around the first week of October.

Looking for DCO and Concordia Oak acorns, if anyone has some available.

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Would love to get Allegheny chinquapins and paw paw J and 144.

I can send.
Burr oak
Chestnuts Chinese variety

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I’ve got Allegheny Chinkapins again this year. Would be happy to send some to anyone who wants them. They’re usually ready around the first week of October.

Looking for DCO and Concordia Oak acorns, if anyone has some available.

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I can trade you some DCO for AC's if you'd like. I'll have a handful of DCO's in a couple weeks--if the squirrels don't get them.
I'm looking to buy Concordia acorns, or any other hybrids really. I can offer sweetgum balls and China berry seed. (I'm working hard on eradicating this trash and replacing it all lol). I have alot of young trees I've grown from this thread in the past and will hopefully soon have some production. I'd like to thank everyone who has helped me
I am going to offer up some tung tree nuts. How many habitat managers would not enjoy a free lifetime supply of tung oil? Everyone knows that tung oil is the Rolls Royce of wood finishes and is priced accordingly. Now is your chance to grow your very own tung trees for free. These prolific growers have pretty white flowers in the spring so you can use them in your landscaping around the house. Tung trees will start producing nuts in 2-3 years. Maybe you have an area in your woods that is receiving too much sunlight. Tung trees will help solve this problem by quickly growing in even the darkest corner of your woods and use their large leaves to shade out any undesirable native vegetation. Perhaps your hack and squirt technique needs improvement. Just wait a couple of years until after the first seeds drop and you can practice your hack and squirt technique for years to come. Now some scientists will say that every part of a tung tree is poisonous. Don’t believe the scientists! These are the same guys who said that kudzu would make a great cattle forage. Trust me, you want large stands of tung trees on your property.

While I can only ship a few nuts at a time, I would recommend that you come over to my place and collect all the nuts you can carry to really start off your orchard on the right foot. The best way to collect the nuts is to saw the larger trees down to collect from the upper branches. Don’t feel bad about chopping my trees down. After you drop the tree, I will spray a revolutionary growth enzyme (triclopyr) on the stump that will allow the trees to flourish. Let me know if you are interested.
I do have some sawtooth acorns that have fallen in the past week and also the first persimmon seeds off a tree that usually produces from September through early November. Let me know if you want some.
I’ve got Allegheny Chinkapins again this year. Would be happy to send some to anyone who wants them. They’re usually ready around the first week of October.

Looking for DCO and Concordia Oak acorns, if anyone has some available.

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Also, i can get American Beautyberry for anyone who wants them as well.

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Looking for
Burr oak
Concordia oak

Should end up with
White oak
Chestnut oak
Red oak
Black oak

Scionwood from an old pear that is huge cropped but drops in late July here in West Virginia
Would LOVE some
Allegheny chinkapins
Dwarf or chinkapin oaks

Will have
Some Dunstans
Chinese Chestnuts
White Oaks
Pin Oaks
Chestnut Oaks