Well-Known Member
My winter rye and winter wheat fields are looking great. The winter rye has chicory and clover mixed in. The winter wheat is straight wheat and will be a throw and mow plot later in the year.
That's basically what I did. I was sitting on dry powder down 4'. I got done moving dirt and figured I gotta throw something out there in the event it does rain. I am probably going to blow on all my perennial seed this weekend if I get around to it. There's another batch of rain coming and I'd like to hit it.I think it’s the same song and dance every year for me. I get busy with work and my family and I don’t plant early enough and then it starts getting to late and no rain in the forecast. I’m taking a chance tomorrow and broadcasting two acres of PTT and forage collards. I go on vacation Tuesday morning. So the rain either comes when I’m gone or the seed sits dry for a few extra days.
I have 600 pounds of WR and WW and red clover as my fail safe if these plots fail.