shot some pics of my miscanthus giganteus in early December.
This is along the road front where I walk in to a stand......
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coming up out of the bottoms ready to duck into the two rows of miscanthus Giganteus.... this is going from stand to truck. You can't see it, but my truck is parked a mere 40 yards from me beyond the grass. And I've got a nice little bank here which aids in screening.
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now inside the two rows of Miscanthus Giganteus. You can see my truck window. Makes a great screen even at this point in the year. It's not solid, as the grassy leaves have collapsed, but the stalks are standing tall. Only one row either side screening me. If I wanted a winter solid screen, 2 rows on both sides of me would be best. But from October through most of November, these single rows work pretty good.
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You can maybe get a hint of the height at this late stage. Sorry about my mug shot.
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Here I have a single row under the power line where the utility sprays anything remotely woody. The grass survived the herbicides (thankfully

), but I still have some spots to fill in. Some of this row is 2 years old, other clumps 1 year. Definitely needs more Giganteus to be effective. Johnson grass is a fierce competitor here.
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Just a late season look at this grass. I know it's not a native, but it sure does the job. Cedars are best around here for screening, but like I said, the utility will kill them and I lost about 50 to their sprays this year, which I would argue against their ever causing trouble to the power lines. Most of my road frontage under the power lines on Little Blue will be planted to this grass. I have no other option.