I bought mine for transport ease and storage. I have enough space to keep a 3pt and tractor locked inside my building at the farm. If not something would be outside. Plus I trailer mine a fair amount.
How many HP is your tractor?
The pull type does have a removable hitch for hauling or storage.I bought mine for transport ease and storage. I have enough space to keep a 3pt and tractor locked inside my building at the farm. If not something would be outside. Plus I trailer mine a fair amount.
I see where land pride has a 3P500 that is for at least 35HP. Does anyone have any experience with that unit?
Seems they call it a minimum till drill
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I went through the same thought process, thinking I wanted a 3P drill. My tractor is a JD 4066 (66 hp). The hp rating was high enough for the 3P but the tractor and 3p lift capacity was too light, so I bought exact machine shown above, only in the Great Plains version. After using it for the first time last weekend, including some small plots, I am very happy with the pull type. As Mennoniteman mentioned above the pull type gives you plenty of room around the machine to make adjustments, calibrate, etc. and the tractor pulls it with ease. I can only imagine that even if my tractor could lift the 3P it would make the tractor very squirrelly to handle... the drill is a heavy, well built piece of equipment.
The only downside that I can see is the drill width being a little wider than the tractor, requiring wider trails... I'm able to get everywhere I need to but I could see it being an issue if you have a lot of narrow 2 track trails.
I'm excited to see how my plots do, I know I cut my planting time down to less than 25% of what it had been taking me with discing multiple times, broadcasting, and cultipacking. I'm also excited to see how my soil is benefitted over time.
I am glad you posted! I too own a 4066R and always wondered how the tractor would handle a 606nt. I have been searching all over to find someone using the same rig as me.
You've probably looked at it already, but the 3P606nt is listed at 2,300 lbs empty. The 3P lift capacity of the 4066 is shown to be 2,500 lbs at 24" behind the lift arms. I took that to mean the tractor MIGHT handle the 3P drill but the numbers were too close for me to feel comfortable with... by the time you add the small seed box and a loaded drill, likely more than 24" behind the lift arms. But it handles the pull type with no problem at all. I have the 4066m and had to add rear hydros… I believe your 4066R already has them?
Seems most here favor pull behind type drill?
I've had my eyes on the RTP Genesis 3 units for some time and would be interested in hearing more about it. A smaller cheaper notill drill that works well is going to catch a lot of attention with food plot guys. Do you have any pictures of it being used for planting? Did you buy it new, and if I might ask, what's the price range on them and who's your dealer?I might be the odd ball here, but last spring we bought an RTP Genesis 3 for our camp. Our tractor has a 2300lb lift capacity at 24". We have a lot of odd shaped plots, and some of the plots are hard to get into, so we wanted the 3 pt unit. We've planted 3 times with it, and it's done pretty well. Some of the plots need to be smoothed out a little, but overall we're very happy with the results.
I was just talking about your drill with jlane; http://deerhunterforum.com/index.php?threads/my-property-tour.71/page-7#post-103902I don't have any pictures of it in action. Here are three pics of the mix of winter peas, oats and soybeans that we planted last fall. It was REALLY dry after we planted this, for 4-5 weeks, so the growth isn't amazing. You can see the plot is a little bumpy/uneven. There were a few very hard/thatchy spots as well. They drilled better this spring. (can't get files to upload, will try again later)
We bought it new from Hoover Tractor. More places are selling them these days. They've available at dealers who have access to Cummins and Bricker distributor. They were running a special price of around $8000 for the Genesis 3 during the Sportsman's show. I think the Genesis 5 was around $10,000. This was without the wheel kits or the front cutters. I started a facebook group for owners/users and we're up to 50 members. All the feedback has been pretty good. I've seen a few used ones for sale in PA, where people want to go up to the bigger models.
If you're looking for videos, check out GrowingDeer.tv. Grant Woods has a few videos where he's using it.
Uploading pics is an issue here; You either need to open a free account with tapatalk and have a certain amount of pics you can upload every month for free, or lower the resolution on your pics by cropping them to upload them.I don't have any pictures of it in action. Here are three pics of the mix of winter peas, oats and soybeans that we planted last fall. It was REALLY dry after we planted this, for 4-5 weeks, so the growth isn't amazing. You can see the plot is a little bumpy/uneven. There were a few very hard/thatchy spots as well. They drilled better this spring. (can't get files to upload, will try again later)
We bought it new from Hoover Tractor. More places are selling them these days. They've available at dealers who have access to Cummins and Bricker distributor. They were running a special price of around $8000 for the Genesis 3 during the Sportsman's show. I think the Genesis 5 was around $10,000. This was without the wheel kits or the front cutters. I started a facebook group for owners/users and we're up to 50 members. All the feedback has been pretty good. I've seen a few used ones for sale in PA, where people want to go up to the bigger models.
If you're looking for videos, check out GrowingDeer.tv. Grant Woods has a few videos where he's using it.
I don't have any pictures of it in action. Here are three pics of the mix of winter peas, oats and soybeans that we planted last fall. It was REALLY dry after we planted this, for 4-5 weeks, so the growth isn't amazing. You can see the plot is a little bumpy/uneven. There were a few very hard/thatchy spots as well. They drilled better this spring. (can't get files to upload, will try again later)
We bought it new from Hoover Tractor. More places are selling them these days. They've available at dealers who have access to Cummins and Bricker distributor. They were running a special price of around $8000 for the Genesis 3 during the Sportsman's show. I think the Genesis 5 was around $10,000. This was without the wheel kits or the front cutters. I started a facebook group for owners/users and we're up to 50 members. All the feedback has been pretty good. I've seen a few used ones for sale in PA, where people want to go up to the bigger models.
If you're looking for videos, check out GrowingDeer.tv. Grant Woods has a few videos where he's using it.