I just saw a doe with twin fawns NE of my position about 100 yards. First deer I have seen since beginning of the week!
I like the dark antlers on the last one, Congrats!Sitting atop the mountain of our deer lease near what I call "spike stand" because of spikes in the tree from long days past. Have not seen a deer while hunting since Monday... Super warm temps...
We have had 4 bucks killed on our lease so far. 8 point in picture with big 6 was chasing and big 6 was in a food plot. The food plot deer is a first ever for this lease!
This young 10 point was seeking...
And this nice 8 was killed at 6 pm last night when Eli's party started and it was chasing a doe...
Congrats to our lucky lease members on their success!
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Good luck!Great updates, thanks for sharing everyone. Hunting back around home in western PA the last two evenings. Still not hot enough action to start taking vacation days from work yet.
This little fork horn came by yesterday afternoon.
My view from the stand tonight in a creek bottom down the road from my house.
First hunt with Dad's old Army Airborne jacket. Good mojo for sure. Forgot my facemask but I have paint in my safety vest.
High on s mountaintop sweating my rear off... Slight breeze rotating between SE, S, and SW... None of these are ideal...
I checked them by hat light when I crawled up this morning. I had loosened it in the past so gave it a couple cranks. Stand has actually grown into the tree a little...I would assume you check your straps aND prior to season before getting in a stand you haven't hunted in years?
Beautiful looking spot. Hope Mr. Big walks by for you.