Geo in Co

We went out this morning looking for a deer to hunt.

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We bumped up one little buck,

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deer aroma filled the air.

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Folks around here are often heard bitching about all the damn Texans, not me.

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I don't know how you catch any of those trout without garlic cheese.

Looks like happy days and you are on the trail. I don't know what bait to use to catch Texans.

I asked Dan a year ago to tie me a garlic cheese and a Delmonte kernel but he has yet to do so, perhaps he thought that I was kidding. Too bad, I don't know what bait or presentation for Texans either. Tank gets all of the attention anyway.

We were back hunting the hills again yesterday morn.

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We went around the block this week looking for a little bit more water on the Rio Grande.

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Dan and Tank, two of the best fishing buddies that a guy could have.

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Beautiful pictures as usual. The fires sure have changed some of the scenery out west. Give it a few years, should put a lot more food down on the floor within easy reach of the deer/elk. Short term negative, but could provide great cover and food source going forward. At least I would think.
Dead wood from burns or beetles? Looks like great time. You should read book I just finished of trip into the Canaan of now WV in mid 1800s. Were catching 500 native brown and salmon colored in a day. Written in old English that can be a bit confusing but pretty awesome descriptions of early forests and unchartered lands of the time. Called The Blackwater Chronicle. Thanks for showing.
Beautiful pictures as usual. The fires sure have changed some of the scenery out west. Give it a few years, should put a lot more food down on the floor within easy reach of the deer/elk. Short term negative, but could provide great cover and food source going forward. At least I would think.

Dead wood from burns or beetles? Looks like great time. You should read book I just finished of trip into the Canaan of now WV in mid 1800s. Were catching 500 native brown and salmon colored in a day. Written in old English that can be a bit confusing but pretty awesome descriptions of early forests and unchartered lands of the time. Called The Blackwater Chronicle. Thanks for showing.

Thanks OldOak, the old burns tend to green up like Hickory Ridge after a thinning and fire and become go to hunting spots, not that I would know about finding elk.

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The dead wood along the river was part of the west fork complex fire that started on 6-13-13 by lightning strikes. The beetles however proceeded the fire in a good part of the burn. As thick as those spruce grew there wasn't much food available when they were alive.

I'm trying to figure out who weights to most - Dan or Tank...…..

Dan fought 168#, I'm guessing Tank to still be a light weight 125#.

I really like the belt loop that I made for my holster so I have now made that style sheath for my newest knives. The loop fits up to a 1.5" belt and also grips just a fabric waist band. I told TradeMark Texan that I have a beautiful matching set of 4 knives ready to go and he said send em. I'm working on 4 more if anyone is interested. I think that I'm finally getting good at putting an edge on these things, the ones that I sharpened up yesterday are the sharpest knives that I have ever seen.

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Geo I'll take those 4 knives, or I don't need them till Christmas if you want to sell those and make me 4. I really like that belt loop. Let me know how to get you the $$. Thanks.
Geo I'll take those 4 knives, or I don't need them till Christmas if you want to sell those and make me 4. I really like that belt loop. Let me know how to get you the $$. Thanks.

Those 4 are heading to Mozambique via Tejas but I have everything on hand to put together another 4 for you in the next week or two. That would be a big help, thanks Doug.

Those 4 are heading to Mozambique via Tejas but I have everything on hand to put together another 4 for you in the next week or two. That would be a big help, thanks Doug.

Add 2 more if you have the stuff. 6 total. I just finished my Christmas shopping. Thanks.
I can’t wait to get mine bloody! Thanks, G!


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Add 2 more if you have the stuff. 6 total. I just finished my Christmas shopping. Thanks.

oh boy, ok, I have just enough for 6. I got busy on them yesterday afternoon.

I can’t wait to get mine bloody! Thanks, G!

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T, I hope that you get to bloody it up on that monster 8 pointer that you have running around, good luck.

Tom asked.

"George, love the two I got back from you when you first offered them. Do you have any ability to bake a finish on them or make them more stain resistant? I have a hard time keeping them oiled sufficiently. I really like the edge retention and shape. Any idea what hardness is?"

When I ran out of work and was a broke dick back in Iowa I came across this video.

Old Aaron did a pretty good job testing and his final pick was a bit of a surprise to me, A2 steel. I had been making tools out of A2 for 40 years now because I make them right and they don't shatter to pieces in a 20 ton press chopping steel pipe 24/7. A2 is what they refer to as cheap tool steel, not as high in carbon or chromium as other steels. Once you get to a certain % of chromium, steel becomes stainless but there are trade offs. My swiss army knife is stainless but I could spend the next ten hours sharpening it and not get it any where close to being as sharp as the knives that I make. A bit of a tangent here but I have seen knife makers demonstrate how sharp their knives are by slicing paper. Wow that is sharp, or is it, it is a knife with a burr on it's edge that so effortlessly slices thru paper. My knives are finished with 1000 grit ceramic stone without a burr. If you test my knife on paper you may think that it is not very sharp. If you pull up slack and shave your nuts you will think that knife is real sharp. So with A2 at the hardness that I harden to I believe that I have achieved a good balance of strength and hardness to get a knife so sharp that holds a good edge, tough but not brittle. So back to Tom's question that I don't have a good answer to, A2 will rust. Here in Colorado I wash a knife and put it away dry with out oil. They just do not rust here. I came from 90% humidity in Iowa and yesterday I pulled out one of my originals that has been sitting around since that time and it was blemished.

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The first knives that I made I thought that I had to polish them down to 600 grit and then buff them to a shine. Well I quickly realized that with a knife that I'm selling for $125 and already have 20 hours in to, polishing was a waste of more time. So the only answer that I can offer Tom other than keeping his knives coated in cosmoline, is do what I do. I give it 5 minutes of elbow grease on 220 grit emery on a flat surface to clean up rust. Not a magic answer but I hope that it may help.

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We went back up on Friday to see if we could find those big browns.

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You can about jump the river now without getting your shoes wet.

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The first hole that I hit was full of ferocious 7 inchers but the big fish holes were empty. I'm going to try the quality water down lower under some tributaries probably this afternoon.
