Foodplotting In The Mountains...The Sequel

You need to tell me before you take off across the world so that I can bring you some more KY31 fescue seed while you are gone. Welcome back to you, and take me home country roads!

Funny I going to probably plant fescue on the log landing. Logger was supposed to seed it but that’s another story for another time when my profanity won’t be as strong!

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Postings are so random for me anymore so you just have take a conglomeration of photos/stories.

Daughter and SIL had me piggyback on a business trip of his to Ireland and England. Great week with them. Especially since I and a lot of WV has Irish blood it was interesting. Irish Dialect is stronger than any Appalachian. Weather is typically cool and rainy. Castles were cool. Pubs were cooler.
Funny they, like us, trash talk their government, taxes , and illegals. And no animosity to the US.
And all could break out in to Take Me Home Country Roads at mere mention of my WV home.











As for the farm….. has been neglected foodplots for 2+ years due to logging. Trying to get things back in shape.

Worked the roads re placing water dogs from logging abuse. Got to beat the critters to some fresh blackberries even though I got into a yellow jacket nest and stung a few times. Could’ve been worse.

Been in moderate drought for 2 months no rain. But w a couple days of rain and more in forecast I decided to do my brassicas. Sprayed gly. Next day spread PTT, DER, Forage radish, 19-19-19 and Urea. Mowed thatch. Said prayers! Good rains that night

Hopefully will redo my alfalfa and clover fields early sept if weather cooperates.




Here’s to a long life and a merry one. A quick death and an easy one. A pretty girl and an honest one. A cold pint and another one!——
Irish proverb

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Great timing with your plot! Looks like rain has finally arrived in Appalachia. Your European vacation looks like a blast.

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TnM planting is so dependent on weather and regardless of preferred planting times one must move when rain dictates. After couple months of drought the heavens opened and gave timely rains.
As said before spraying had barely been done when I went forward w planting brassicas. And then 3 wks later the same thing w my clovers. Plots were in terrible shape w 3 years neglect while logging. Just a couple quick pics from last couple wks.

One wk germination brassica


Two and half wks. One complaint o deal with is residual seed from grains of summer also erupt. I just let it all grow together.
To get proper bulb growth w brassica you want the see pretty sparingly almost like you didn’t plant enough.
At this point I spread Urea on the brassica knowing another rain from TS Debbi would provide. Urea doesn’t like dry ground for too many days


The clover fields I was refurbishing were sprayed with a tank mix of Cleth and Butyrac 200. This was obvious wilting after 2 days. I’m not much a chemical guy but do so when required. I wrestle w goldenrod in clovers and the Butyrac gets them even tho it’s not a listed plant on label
I overseeded RC/WC mix in 3 plots after this spray w rain the next day
I’ll overseed a grain in Sept
Then it’s back to my do little/gain much plot management over the next decade


And then back home to let my back recover. The crap we do for deer!!

What stories could the split wood in the fire tell of each of its rings? Was there drought that year , monsoon this one, world war another, family strife yet another, or perhaps finally peace in one’s soul after looking in all the wrong places and finding that peace really comes from an unearthly source. Keep your priorities in order.
Peace my friends!


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TnM planting is so dependent on weather and regardless of preferred planting times one must move when rain dictates. After couple months of drought the heavens opened and gave timely rains.
As said before spraying had barely been done when I went forward w planting brassicas. And then 3 wks later the same thing w my clovers. Plots were in terrible shape w 3 years neglect while logging. Just a couple quick pics from last couple wks.

One wk germination brassica


Two and half wks. One complaint o deal with is residual seed from grains of summer also erupt. I just let it all grow together.
To get proper bulb growth w brassica you want the see pretty sparingly almost like you didn’t plant enough.
At this point I spread Urea on the brassica knowing another rain from TS Debbi would provide. Urea doesn’t like dry ground for too many days


The clover fields I was refurbishing were sprayed with a tank mix of Cleth and Butyrac 200. This was obvious wilting after 2 days. I’m not much a chemical guy but do so when required. I wrestle w goldenrod in clovers and the Butyrac gets them even tho it’s not a listed plant on label
I overseeded RC/WC mix in 3 plots after this spray w rain the next day
I’ll overseed a grain in Sept
Then it’s back to my do little/gain much plot management over the next decade


And then back home to let my back recover. The crap we do for deer!!

What stories could the split wood in the fire tell of each of its rings? Was there drought that year , monsoon this one, world war another, family strife yet another, or perhaps finally peace in one’s soul after looking in all the wrong places and finding that peace really comes from an unearthly source. Keep your priorities in order.
Peace my friends!


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Nice combination of elbow grease and wisdom there friend. Seeing that fire on the deck makes me ready for fall!!
Just a few random pics. Brassica 5 wks in ground. Doing ok but nothing outstanding mostly due to we continue in a moderate-severe drought w no rain forecast next 2 wks.

Oddly the lower plot which should be better soils showing brassicas dying. Good example how older plots that have been rotated more years tend to produce better.

The undergrowth of logged areas have also struggled w drought especially on these south facing almost dry barrens. The stump sprouts are browsed hard. Kinda like a mini food plot scattered about. One of these sprouts Will probably grow into a mature oak that my grandchildren may choose to harvest in 50 years.

My farm is just a few miles from the Appalachian dry barrens to the East past the Continental Divide { yes the East has a prominent one also} where even cacti are found on the mountains.

In the last pic you can see my favorite…..fallow fields. A complex variety of pollen attractants , browse , and cover. One brassica and 2 clover plots are to the left. Three of the 7 plots I actively manage.

You southern boys need send us a hurricane. Soon!!





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Just a few random pics. Brassica 5 wks in ground. Doing ok but nothing outstanding mostly due to we continue in a moderate-severe drought w no rain forecast next 2 wks.

Oddly the lower plot which should be better soils showing brassicas dying. Good example how older plots that have been rotated more years tend to produce better.

The undergrowth of logged areas have also struggled w drought especially on these south facing almost dry barrens. The stump sprouts are browsed hard. Kinda like a mini food plot scattered about. One of these sprouts Will probably grow into a mature oak that my grandchildren may choose to harvest in 50 years.

My farm is just a few miles from the Appalachian dry barrens to the East past the Continental Divide { yes the East has a prominent one also} where even cacti are found on the mountains.

In the last pic you can see my favorite…..fallow fields. A complex variety of pollen attractants , browse , and cover. One brassica and 2 clover plots are to the left. Three of the 7 plots I actively manage.

You southern boys need send us a hurricane. Soon!!





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You’re on my mind, as all occasional drought sufferers on this forum are; I know that feeling of hoping for a hurricane, a mild one, but one that is strong enough to make it north.
Got half of our plots in 2 weeks ago before Debby rolled through and gave us 5 of the 12 inches of rain we needed to get out of our drought on a Monday. Got the rest of them in the following Saturday. Since then not a drop, just a few dews in the mornings. No rain in the forecast for the next week, looking like back to back years of throwing a grain down late if we ever do get a rain.
Looking good!

should see some wet weather towards the end of next week. I hope it’s not too bad, I need to squeeze in a quick burn down before planting.

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