Well-Known Member
I was once asked in here what my suggestions were for a new property owner for their land management beginnings that I had learned. While I don’t think I mentioned equipment I will heavily suggest if you can afford it a tractor of any size or year. Particularly if you work alone it can be like having couple muscled guys at your disposal. For some reason global warming has caused all things to be heavier such as logs , rocks , fence posts, trailers etc and I need the extra grunt??!!
I moved some trees , some road repair , drainage upkeep, and hauling ,all in a few hours that would have been much more sweat and time related wo one. Plus it’s just plain relaxing!!
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I moved some trees , some road repair , drainage upkeep, and hauling ,all in a few hours that would have been much more sweat and time related wo one. Plus it’s just plain relaxing!!
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