Fall seeding into clover plot by broadcasting


Active Member
Looking to add some later season draw to some clover fields we have established......happened across an episode of Growing Deer and Grant Woods was pushing seeding wheat/rye into standing clover as a way to get better winter food and some nurse crop effects come summer.

Has anyone ever done this? I am a little worried about germination with just surface contact.
I have and it works. What I did was overseed wheat into a low-grazed durana plot then drug over it with on of those drag harrows you can get to go behind an ATV. Worked like a charm. Do it right before a rain so doves don't eat all your wheat seed before it can germinate. I've used this method with dwarf essex rape to with good results.
And if you have a fairly substantial amount of clover growth, currently, just broadcast your cereal grains into it and mow the clover lower than you normally would. If you "scalp" it, setting the clover back a bit, it not only acts as a mulch for the grains, it opens up places for them to grow. A drag harrow or cultipacker will definitely improve germination.
I overseed WR yearly into my perenial clovers. Help control weeds and gives good food. Usually do in Aug when clovers tend to burned down by heat and drought. I also spread at same time more clover to keep plot fresh. Can also do oats and peas with decent results. I've done as late as early Nov with good success with the rye.
I broadcast WR into my clover plots last year and it turned out really good. I didn't roll it or drag, just spread it and walked away. Its really hel;ing improve the soil and the thatch has helped the clover really take off. The turkeys were insane in the plot this spring. I shot a gobbler 15 minutes into the season as he was fanning through the field.
What will happen if you broadcast a brassica mix (turnip, rape, radish) as opposed to a grain into clover without spraying?
For those of you that spray gly on your clover plots to control weeds/grass but not kill clover what ratio do you use? I want to do it this August prior to drilling fall small grains into clover.
For those of you that spray gly on your clover plots to control weeds/grass but not kill clover what ratio do you use? I want to do it this August prior to drilling fall small grains into clover.
Based on advice from Ed Spinazzola, I used 1 qt/ac gly and 1 qt/ac ammonium sulfate back in mid-May on a clover field. Worked very well. It stunted the clover, but killed everything else. The clover came back strong, just like Ed said it would. Note he advises mid-May. I don't know what an August spraying would do. Might kill the clover if already stressed from summer heat and drought.