Crimson clover

Creek chub

Active Member
Will late spring frosts kill spring planted crimson clover? Reason I’m asking is I have one additional plot to plant soon and I’ve already bought all my seed. Pennington has a mix that has planting dates of March thru June in my zone but it has crimson clover in the mix.
Do think there is any value from a soil building stand point of sowing crimson clover now knowing it will die in s couple months?
IMO,Yes. For starters, you are providing a desirable food source and getting the deer to frequent your property. When it fades I cultivate the ground again and incorporate OM and release nitrogen . You benefit from weed control without herbicides by cultivation. I will follow with forage soybeans with an electric fence on one area and brassicas in another. It's pretty low effort and improves soil over time.
IMO,Yes. For starters, you are providing a desirable food source and getting the deer to frequent your property. When it fades I cultivate the ground again and incorporate OM and release nitrogen . You benefit from weed control without herbicides by cultivation. I will follow with forage soybeans with an electric fence on one area and brassicas in another. It's pretty low effort and improves soil over time.
I’m gonna give it a try. The area is small and borders a small mountain creek. It’s probably less than a half an acre. At worst I will prevent erosion and hopefully build some OM. I may overseed it in the fall with winter rye and look for some native flowers and grasses to plant next spring.
I’m gonna give it a try. The area is small and borders a small mountain creek. It’s probably less than a half an acre. At worst I will prevent erosion and hopefully build some OM. I may overseed it in the fall with winter rye and look for some native flowers and grasses to plant next spring.
The only way we learn what works with our specific fields, growing zone, and soil type is to give it a try. And after you give it a try you will have the experience to advise someone else who is considering it. Make sure you come back to your post this summer and tell us how it worked for you.