I don't mind paying my fair share of taxes, and I would be ok with paying a little more. However, what scares me is that over the past 30 years that I have owned property in this state we have steadily been losing our freedoms compared to what we used to be allowed to do, and just like during the covid shutdown, we are a always told that we're losing our freedoms for our own good. If you extrapolate the rate of freedoms being lost it's only a matter of time until they are all gone. And I am ok with that for myself, since I'm not planning on staying here forever. But it would be nice to have some freedoms left for the younger generations that will replace us.
Recently, our local government came up with the idea that every business needs to have a lockbox with their keys in it beside the front door, so authorities can enter businesses whenever they please, and this proposal came scarily close to passing.
I built a new house last year, and on the plans I showed an extra kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom in the basement for auxiliary use. Code enforcement said that I can pick any of the two but not all three, as that would consist of a second dwelling unit in my basement, which isn't allowed. This person, he/ she/ it/ them/ can't figure out which restroom to use at a public place, but is telling me I can't finish out my own house basement inside my home.
A bigger one is the loss of freedom to make a living. For thousands of years, humans have enjoyed the freedom to make a living from their homes, but not in this area anymore. If you start baking bread in your house and selling it you will either stop or go to prison. Everyone in this neighborhood years ago grew up on raw cows milk and nobody seemed to get sick from it, but now if you milk your cow and sell the milk to your neighbor you will either stop or go to prison. But we still live in the best country in the world. I digress