Building a bridge across creek

Amazing how powerful water can be
I have first hand knowledge of this. We replaced a rusted 36 inch culvert with a new plastic 48 incher going into our property and bedded it with crushed limestone and rip rapped the ends. we thought our problems were over. Our area has had 3 heavy rains, they were closer to flash floods this springs and the third one took half the limestone out. None of us can believe it, lucky for us the culvert didn't move.
I forgot to update this post since the flooding back in May. So we finally got the bridge sitting level again back in Oct, but we will need to cut down the tree on the other side before being able to cross it with equipment. We were able to partially test the structural strength using the compact Kubota and it held strong. My dad got about halfway across with me down in the creek watching for deflection. I couldn't really see movement with the naked eye so I think we'll be good to go in the future.
bridge leveled.jpg bridge leveled 2.jpg bridge leveled with tractor.jpg
Many years ago the old wooden bridge the crossed the small stream on our property in Pa became to bad to attempt crossing. The Gas Company needed that bridge to access their wells, so they agreed to put in a new bridge.

They used Steel 6-inch pipe and put two upright on each side of the bank. Then they stacked several until they had created a wall of pipe behind the two upright ones and then backfilled with dirt and rock. Then using more pipe they made a bridge by laying two longwise across the span and laying others sideways to make the base. Another pipe was laid along the top edge for a guardrail. All pipes were welded together.

That simple bridge has lasted for over 40 years. I can't even begin to think of how many crossings it has had of 4x4 trucks, tractors, ATV, and whatever.

I guess the main point of this post was to say that by building a wall on each side of the ditch the water will press against it and make it hold tight instead of washing away during hard rains.