Bowhunter14’s Farm thread

@Mennoniteman Thinking about it and I think you are spot on with the nitrogen. I am planning on doing throw, mow and drag this fall so hopefully that will help. I am gonna use rye in this plot to hopefully help choke out some of the weeds. My biggest thing is I cannot find a source for 0-20-20 anywhere near me. The best I can find is 6-24-24.

Did my mix on the cleth look okay to you? 25 gallons of water with 16 ounces of cleth and 8 of surfactant?
@Mennoniteman Thinking about it and I think you are spot on with the nitrogen. I am planning on doing throw, mow and drag this fall so hopefully that will help. I am gonna use rye in this plot to hopefully help choke out some of the weeds. My biggest thing is I cannot find a source for 0-20-20 anywhere near me. The best I can find is 6-24-24.

Did my mix on the cleth look okay to you? 25 gallons of water with 16 ounces of cleth and 8 of surfactant?
Yes, for an acre. I usually spray 1 acre with 25 gallons of water, driving at the necessary speed to make it hold out. But you said that you have 1.5 acres? 1.5 acres would make 10 oz. per acre which is still ok, but on the light side. Note; cleth works very slowly, it can take a while until the results show up.
I put very little fertilizer on my clover plots, clover is like a weed and can grow in poorer soils, this saves $$ and I feel less fertilizer makes weed control easier. Plus, the deer are putting a lot of fertilizer on my plots :)
Had the dozer out today. Had this plot cut out. About an acre right on the edge of an elevator ridge and a bedding area. Hit it with 400 pounds of pelletized lime and 65 pounds of buckwheat then drug it with my harrow to get the seed in the ground. Also already cut access trails to get in to my stands.

Also found a super random cluster of 7 or 8 persimmons in the middle of my timber! All of them are about 12 to 18 inches tall. One was about 7ft but it is wrapped around another tree. @Native Hunter have you ever transplanted persimmon seedlings like this!?
837A1FE1-C15D-4038-B6B9-479BAACA745E.jpeg Also got the blind in it’s temporary resting place. Gotta get the lumber together to get a tower built but it is off the trailer. Will be in the same spot just a couple feet higher.
View attachment 23776

Also found a super random cluster of 7 or 8 persimmons in the middle of my timber! All of them are about 12 to 18 inches tall. One was about 7ft but it is wrapped around another tree. @Native Hunter have you ever transplanted persimmon seedlings like this!?

Yes, I’ve done it. Tie some ribbon on them to help you find them later, and wait until fall when they go dormant. Get a really big ball of dirt with the roots. They aren’t easy to transplant, but it can be done when they are 12 to 18 inches.
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@Native Hunter What makes them not easy? Not a good survival rate?

They have a tap root, and it is difficult to dig them up without cutting it. If you dig a big dirt ball like I said, you will keep more of the tap root and the little feeder roots too. You should go ahead and try some of the larger ones, because you have nothing to lose but your time. However, the smaller ones will have a much better chance of living.

Persimmons will also form fairly large colonies off of the same root systems. I've seen lots of sprouts coming up several yards from the mother tree. The sprouts will be the same sex as the original tree. If you have a tree that is a great producer, you can dig the sprouts when they are small and get a clone.

One more interesting note about persimmons - When you have a colony, mowing them off once a year will not kill them. They keep coming back. However, if they start farming the land, the Gly that they spray in the spring eventually will kill the colony.
Alright guys time for an update. It’s been hot with little to no rain for over a month now. Got a little sprinkle last night but 100+ all this week to come. The food plots are toast pretty much but everything happens for a reason I guess. I finally got the blind up in the air and in its final resting place.
Nice shooting blind. Well done. As I have gotten older I have come to appreciate the landing porch before you enter the door. Especially in the dark going from ladder rung to door opening is a bummer
What do you think was the approximate cost for the house?
@lakngolf I stopped keeping count. But I know it’s cheaper than a redneck and 5 ft tower. I used some repurposed material but if I had to guess somewhere between $1500 and $2000 with tower. The landing is definitely a must have. For as simple as they are to add I don’t see why you wouldn’t
It’s been awhile since I posted on this but I’ve had a pretty good off season so far! Figured I would give you guys an update!