I bought my property about a year ago. It's been great fun and lots of hard work, which is part of the fun. We've had some success hunting and lots of time spent on "The Island". One decision I had to make was compact tractor or ATV. Mostly it's a storage issue. I really only have room for one or the other. I Went with the ATV, bought a five foot tow behind disc, a four foot cultipacker and a couple bag spreaders and off we went. Our food plot trails couldn't have turned out better for the first year. Just recently bought a DR Pro 26 walk behind brush mower. I love it - my best purchase by far. But...if I had one do over I'd have bought the tractor instead of the ATV. The tractor is being budgeted for next year. Don't get me wrong. The ATV is great and we use it a lot. A friend of mine and a neighbor have both helped out with compact tractors and the fact is It's just that the tractor with a bucket would have been so much better for working. The ATV is better for light duty stuff and driving around. It's more like a tractor wanna be.
If I ever get to buy a few acre or hopefully more, my next purchase for sure will be a tractor with a bucket!