I’m 42, when I was in third grade my dad sent off a bunch of Duracell battery box tops for a replica of the US Constitution for me. Making sure your kids understand and appreciate those inalienable rights is far too important to trust to anyone else in my opinion. So is their general education, but that’s a whole other topic.
It’s a fine line but I’m teaching the boys how to respectfully question “authority” when it is the right thing. My oldest got a first hand lesson in this with respect to “new” or “common core” math. He is a math whiz, and was growing frustrated with having to do math the ridiculous way it was being taught to him. I also grew frustrated. I spoke with his educators and said, I can appreciate you teaching different methods to solve a problem but why can’t you then leave it up to the student to pick the most logical approach to them. That wasn’t good enough, it eventually came down to a discussion with the administration where I said if they insisted on forcing my kid to use the ridiculous methods that I would pull him out of school and send him to private school. Well, public schools in Indiana get paid for butts in seats so they were conveniently able to make an exception for my son and he’s free to solve his math homework and test problems using the normal methods and they only grade him on the answers now. I had to do this and Indiana was the first state in the country to reject common core requirements, yet they’re still using the garbage methods. My son learned that “authority” figures aren’t always right and that you have to stand up for what is right. I hope that lesson stays with him for the rest of his life. In case you guys with older kids don’t know what I’m talking about watch this:
This is what is going on in classrooms around the country. If you’re not concerned you should be. If the intent was to dumb down the education system they’re succeeding in spectacular fashion.
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