Are You Skeered?

And the other thing I wonder if we have just taught a large portion of the population of all ages as what it’s like to be on the government nipple. 600$ added to weekly unemployment is a chunk for many. Add to that as forgiven monies to keep small business from diving. I think it’s all needed to survive this economic disaster but the repercussions in the next years could be interesting. Which indirectly begins to influence the voters who may enjoy”free “ money. At any rate hopefully it passes.
I do know it’s helped at least some re-evaluate their priorities and realize what it takes to live for a few wks wo pay. And maybe some will have time in their lockdown to embrace Easter for more than another vacation week. Loss of movement dictated by a government can be a sobering experience. Time will tell.

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And the other thing I wonder if we have just taught a large portion of the population of all ages as what it’s like to be on the government nipple. 600$ added to weekly unemployment is a chunk for many. Add to that as forgiven monies to keep small business from diving. I think it’s all needed to survive this economic disaster but the repercussions in the next years could be interesting. Which indirectly begins to influence the voters who may enjoy”free “ money. At any rate hopefully it passes.
I do know it’s helped at least some re-evaluate their priorities and realize what it takes to live for a few wks wo pay. And maybe some will have time in their lockdown to embrace Easter for more than another vacation week. Loss of movement dictated by a government can be a sobering experience. Time will tell.

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Everything you said plus the government overreach concerns me. Knowing the nature of our society, the scenario you described is very likely. I don’t see near the work ethic in younger people today, that’s why the socialist trend in our presidential candidates is garnering such support.

As for the overreaching, look how easy it was to make people conform because they thought they were all gonna get sick or die. I’m on the fence about whether it was worth it or not, right now I think that’s unknowable. However, I worry about the precedent it sets once we have someone in charge that wants to be much more controlling. The presumptive Democrat nominee already has a big agenda concerning gun control and has said that the gun hating “Beto” O’Rourke will be the hammer he uses the drive that particular nail into our coffins. A lot of politicians don’t need much of an excuse to start grabbing power for themselves.
Michelle Malkin had a very good article today. I think anyway here are a few excerpts

This week in Colorado, our statewide stay-at-home order was extended until April 26. Gov. Jared Polis urged everyone to wear a mask of any kind while outdoors. Local groceries are limiting customers to one every 120 square feet of the store. For the first time, my neighborhood playground on Tuesday was wrapped in bright yellow “CAUTION” tape. And in Brighton, Co., a father was handcuffed in an empty park by three police officers for playing T-ball with his 6-year-old daughter and wife.

We are not a serious country. America’s “social distancing” campaign has gone both too far and not far enough. The restrictions and guidelines are arbitrary, irrational and unevenly applied.

Weed and booze stores are considered “essential.” Ice cream, dessert joints and fast-food outlets with takeout and delivery services are still operating. But family-owned, sit-down restaurants that have been staples in our community have been forced to shut their doors after decades in business.

Barbershops and hair salons here were ordered to close three weeks ago, but government employees on landscaping crews who cut grass — like the ones I’ve seen all crammed together in a city truck — are still earning paychecks subsidized by the taxpayers sidelined from their jobs in the name of safety and public health.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s personal trainer bragged that until last week, she was working out at the private Supreme Court gym. “Everybody’s been shut down,” trainer Bryant Johnson told Law360, a legal news and analysis website. “The only reason why I didn’t shut the justice down is because, hey, she ain’t having it,”Johnson said.

Translation: We are not “all in this together,”

Mandatory mass isolation (or at least the illusion of it) is an efficient way to instill hysteria and disrupt lives but a poor means of actually protecting the most vulnerable. Selective social distancing is a futile exercise in virus virtue signaling. Either we’re all in or we’re all out. You can’t attribute curve-flattening to “social distancing” if huge swaths of people never practiced it or opted out when convenient.

How long must we carry on the charade? Public health autocrat Anthony Fauci insists we must continue living like this until there are “no new cases” and “no new deaths”— and until a vaccine (which his control-freak pal Bill Gates is working overtime to foist on the world) is in place. This is nuts. The zero-cases/zero-deaths standard doesn’t exist for any other pandemic. We’re strangling ourselves in CAUTION tape, riddled with holes, for show. Pretense is a pointless cure worse than any infectious disease.
Thats a mouthful Buckly and thus the beginnings of this thread. I literally choked when I saw the news showing video from the drone policing that county in Fl that got me started on this thread. Giving up freedoms are a serious issue, perhaps needed, but scary of its repercussions and its possible eventual use. We need in the future to be very attentive to our freedoms and how they are manipulated in subtle ways on a daily basis. Everyone worries of gun control, yet we give up many other rights that are as much or more important along the way. I don't mean to sound anti government, but in reality in a lot of ways I am. Any rule that removes a freedom is seldom ever given back. Any tax placed is never taken away completely.

And I will say this as far as trash talking certain age groups together. I find losers in all age categories. It is not a mellinial issue. I've have always had a younger bracket in my business and they work their asses off and are diligent. I had to twist their arms to file unemployment when we shut down because they were afraid it would affect my rates. Thats admirable and they range from 20-37 year olds, all with families. Each generation has its good and bad members. Some of you forget some of the losers of the 60s and 70s. They existed trust me and I even count as half hippie.:cool:
dogghr, we will agree to disagree on the work ethic vs age group. I’m not singling out one generation, whether it be millennials , gen x, or whatever. I’m saying that people my age, (I’m 73), worked much more and much harder than people do today for the most part. Maybe it was because we had to. My generation is at fault (in my view) for the generations behind us because we raised them. I guarantee you that people are softer than they used to be, and that has nothing to do with physical condition, but mentally we all are softer. We are in an age that is unprecedented in human comforts. For instance, the first items to disappear from store shelves were toilet paper, paper towels, frozen foods, etc. Things that make it easier for us to be comfortable. Only after the first panic subsided did folks begin to think about basic things that one needed to survive, like medical goods, beans, and rice. Just cruise downtown pre-Covid any night of the week and see the restaurant parking lots overflowing, the line out into the street at McDonalds, and not to forget the 24/7 discount stores where we can purchase the latest Chinese imports. (But you can’t find a hardware store anymore) Hardly anyone under the age of 30 has driven a standard shift car or one without a/c, power steering, or disc brakes.

Lest y’all think I’m exempting myself, I’m sitting in my recliner watching Red River on my smart tv, typing my words of wisdom on an iPad, after spending (parts) of the last three days discing food plots with my air conditioned tractor !:) It’s a brave new world, but not necessarily better in all respects. o_O
Lmao that last paragraph was a hoot. I’m guilty as charged. I missed my cab tractor yesterday that my SIL borrowed as I had to carry fencing and posts to cage some trees. Dang I missed my tractor bucket. And I tapping away on-a smartphone. And on the former, come to WV and I’ll show you a chitload of hard working young people. Perhaps we are more fortunate than some other parts of country.
I know one thing this has been the longest couple wks that feels like months of quarantine I could imagine! I even skipped going to my feed store today since tomorrow is our predicted peak. Never Thot I’d do that. But am playing golf on Monday riding as required in seperate carts even tho the two of us will drive together. Offices are closed yet you can get your dogs nails clipped. Who the heck is maki g these rules?? No sense to me.

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Unfortunately the welfare minded folks are scattered throughout the country and cross all generations. There are plenty in the 40-70 year old bracket that would rather collect unemployment than work, it’s a scary epidemic itself.

Drones patrolling Hawaii this weekend to ensure the 11pm to 5am curfew is being taken seriously. Yep, scary stuff.


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Thats a mouthful Buckly and thus the beginnings of this thread. I literally choked when I saw the news showing video from the drone policing that county in Fl that got me started on this thread. Giving up freedoms are a serious issue, perhaps needed, but scary of its repercussions and its possible eventual use. We need in the future to be very attentive to our freedoms and how they are manipulated in subtle ways on a daily basis. Everyone worries of gun control, yet we give up many other rights that are as much or more important along the way. I don't mean to sound anti government, but in reality in a lot of ways I am. Any rule that removes a freedom is seldom ever given back. Any tax placed is never taken away completely.

And I will say this as far as trash talking certain age groups together. I find losers in all age categories. It is not a mellinial issue. I've have always had a younger bracket in my business and they work their asses off and are diligent. I had to twist their arms to file unemployment when we shut down because they were afraid it would affect my rates. Thats admirable and they range from 20-37 year olds, all with families. Each generation has its good and bad members. Some of you forget some of the losers of the 60s and 70s. They existed trust me and I even count as half hippie.:cool:

Just saw this thread and Dogghr I will say I am scared. Not so much of the virus, but of a government who never wastes a tragedy. Who uses fear and panic as the precursors to erode civil liberties. I’m also scared of a docile, naive, populace who can’t discern a shepherd from a wolf. Scared of a populace that prefers the teet to self-determination. I’ve long been scared of these situations and I have every right to be. “Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures” is always the call. Any one remember the Patriot Act? Anyone remember how we had to give up certain civil liberties for safety? Anyone remember how those were just extraordinary times though and the original Patriot Act had a sunset clause where most of those measure expired on December 31, 2005? Anyone notice how those provisions were extended and made permanent? Anyone recall the USA Freedom Act? There’s plenty of precedent to be wary in a time like this. Too many people are lulled into complacency thinking that all that matters is the second amendment, while handing over our other INALIENABLE rights. Okay, I’ll get off my soapbox now.

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This whole thing is really a bad rendition of Crash the movie. You've got wildly different applications of statistical analysis, preventative measures, enforcement of said measures, new enemies, and new tactics.

Texas opened the churches back up, or never closed them (i'm not sure). In NYC, the mayor is threatening the churches and synagouges with permanent shutdown if they don't comply with orders. LA sheriff tried to shut down gun sales. Michigan banned movement between homes now.

I can't help but think this is a giant experiment in human behavior. Those masks in public are nothing more than a way to count spook-able people if you ask me.
It’s time to get this economy rolling...people are starting to go crazy and thefts in the area are up tremendously especially anything on wheels like 4 wheelers, trailers full of lawn equipment, trucks, motorcycles... this “social” experiment needs to be over now!
Oddly crime has not risen any here nor has domestic problems according to todays news. Actually both are below average. Hospitals have laid off huge numbers of staff, still running 50% empty. Exposure rate still staying less than 4% with less than 10 deaths statewide. Small business will have hard time surviving this even with stimulus. Much of this state economy is blue collar so many so called essentials are at work thru all this. Limited numbers allowed in the likes of Walmarts and grocers.
I redid my will and mulched my shrubs and kept grass mowed way too much. Have worked one day/wk since late March just to put out fires. Kept staff on payroll. Until this wk I've been tolerant, but slowly I'm getting more pissed at this chit especially when I have to listen to the propaganda promoted on news by ALL networks. I despise them all. I'm already part hermit and this fiasco may just send me into full blown antigovernment. I've dealt with AIDS, hepatitis, staph, etc up close thru all these years and the world is suddenly in a shutdown on unsubstantiated data. We need to social distance in a respectable way for sure with this and all flu/viruses. But a country shutdown?? What a croc.
We have had a spike in overdoses. They believe from a potent batch Other than that our County has 3 active cases. They did have a feature in the paper today there’s a huge uptick in real estate listings. Lol. Our Governor has said repeated that we are going to do things as a State. So we’re screwed, everything will be shut down until NYC opens up. I don’t see it for a long while.
The percentage of healthy people dying from the CV is extremely low. MN has reported only 1 death of a person with no other life threatening issue. The odds of a healthy person dying from this is 1 in hundreds of thousands.

What will we get outta this? A worldwide mandated vaccination? Social credit score reductions for those that don't submit? Withheld travel papers? Disqualification for health insurance, medicaid or medicare? Call me a foil hat guy, but when eugenicists like Gates are chomping at the bit to give us all a shot, I get skeptical.
The Governors in the Northeast have formed a bloc so that no State opens before another one. And as they all stated today , they are in no hurry
The percentage of healthy people dying from the CV is extremely low. MN has reported only 1 death of a person with no other life threatening issue. The odds of a healthy person dying from this is 1 in hundreds of thousands.

What will we get outta this? A worldwide mandated vaccination? Social credit score reductions for those that don't submit? Withheld travel papers? Disqualification for health insurance, medicaid or medicare? Call me a foil hat guy, but when eugenicists like Gates are chomping at the bit to give us all a shot, I get skeptical.

I look over the statistics in NY everyday. They break them down pretty detailed. Right about 89% have at least one underlying condition. They list about 7 but apparently even if they have several that just say at least 1. Right now I know 3 people that have got it. 2 in NY and 1 in Florida. Interestingly all under 30. One very sick but, will come out fine. One was mild. Woke up with a fever then some chills. Felt like a bad cold and got better over the next 2 days. The other had no symptoms at all. Just got tested because they were in close contact with another confirmed case. So I guess that’s what your going to see across the board. In NY the highest death tolls with comorbidities are diabetes and heart disease. The other is hypertension. What stood out to me in some of the statistics is that some teenagers that have died had heart disease or diabetes Sometimes there’s friends or relatives on TV that say the person that died was healthy but, really how do you know. People can have conditions they or no one else ever knew about.
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I am carrying on my life just as I did before as much as I’m able to. Went to the optometrist this morning to get my new lenses installed, had my temp checked at the door. Went to my dermatologist yesterday, fielded the questions and watched my beautiful lady doctor (wearing a mask:() cut a squamus cell carcinoma out of my right forearm, scrape and burn it, then put a bandaid on it. Went to my local gun store and picked up a pound of powder to load up some .44s. Going to the lease tomorrow to social distance with my buddy while we trim limbs. :)
Gonna pick up 100 largemouth fingerlings, 200 copper nose bream, and 10 lb. of fathead minnows at the feed store tomorrow afternoon and put them in my pond.

The large cities are gonna continue this regimen that they consider safer but I think our state is gonna relax somewhat in the very near future. I sure hope so.
I am carrying on my life just as I did before as much as I’m able to. Went to the optometrist this morning to get my new lenses installed, had my temp checked at the door. Went to my dermatologist yesterday, fielded the questions and watched my beautiful lady doctor (wearing a mask:() cut a squamus cell carcinoma out of my right forearm, scrape and burn it, then put a bandaid on it. Went to my local gun store and picked up a pound of powder to load up some .44s. Going to the lease tomorrow to social distance with my buddy while we trim limbs. :)
Gonna pick up 100 largemouth fingerlings, 200 copper nose bream, and 10 lb. of fathead minnows at the feed store tomorrow afternoon and put them in my pond.

The large cities are gonna continue this regimen that they consider safer but I think our state is gonna relax somewhat in the very near future. I sure hope so.
Well said. And perhaps Texas can be a little more accepting of us La. neighbors. I know Katrina left a bad taste but forgiveness is a virtue.