Are You Skeered?


Well-Known Member
I know we are in a trying time. And I don't want this to be political or such. Some think the Virus isn't taken serious enough, others blow it off.
But what does scare me, even if it is needed in this time, is the ability of the Government and the powers that be national and on state level, to bring society to a halt. Business is forced to close, interaction even with family is frowned upon, travel restricted or even prevented. And most importantly, law enforcement is given the authority to control our behaviors. Schools and churches are banned from attendance.
Their are areas doing state line checks, even those owning seasonal housing are not allowed to access their own property. Drones are flown to evaluate and report crowds over 10 people.
Coming from a union family and blue collar workers it concerns me. I listened first hand of the stories of my grandfather of how the mining communities were treated if any supported unionization and the abuse of state and national authority to control what those entities deemed inappropriate . And it was pattern across the country whether it be steel, dock, auto, etc workers trying to make a better life for themselves and their family.
I worry there are those watching around the world the chaos that has been created and the ability to control the masses, and if chosen to overpower its citizens of their inherent freedom. I know, I know I'm overreacting, but I worry my grandchildren will one day regret this. We worry of gun control so much yet if there is a goverment takeover, I have always believed it won't be violent but a very sneaky process. Maybe I'm wrong, but I am scared.
Government runs us anyway. Your land is not yours unless you keep govt happy. We just need to keep them at arms reach. I support those politicians who say they represent smaller govt. Then I wonder.
As for the virus. I am scared of the virus. It very well could have been developed in that lab. And that is not a racist statement. The virus is super contagious and attacks hard to susceptible people and others.
Yes I'm scared, working from home, hating to go to grocery store or pump gas.
To answer your question, yes, I am scared. The wife and I are tucked away in our mountain get away with plenty of food. However, my adult children are not, and have to date, been doing the millennial thing. My oldest lives in heart of Gotham, and I couldn’t persuade him to leave. My youngest declined to come home even as his university shut down classes. Both decisions reflected a fear their social lives would be crimped. Because our middle child’s family remains in a county with 10,000+ cases, and because they have not been social distancing, we haven’t seen them in weeks ( my wife tears up daily about not being able to play with our grand daughter). I’ve got health challenges that put me at risk....and this has motivated our decisions. What causes me the greatest concern is not my safety, but that I can’t force wisdom upon my adult children....

Our government is simply acting like it always has.... Are our rights continuing to erode? Of course they are....and most of the country will earn what it deserves in consequence of political complacency. That doesn’t frighten me as much as it saddens me. I’m not optimistic the electorate will ever wake up in time to save our republic from the direction it is headed. While government miss steps and heavy handedness associated with the virus could provide a catalyst for change, I’m of the opinion promised government handouts will motivate most to do nothing. Changing that feels a lot like trying to mandate my adult children to be wise..... Just my .02.
I support 2A for a reason....and it has NOTHING to do with hunting!

As for the virus. I have already had to have a very aggressive argument with my 24 y/o son over it who lives at home. It boiled down to "play by my rules (which are influenced by the government rues) - or there is the door!". I have "at risk" people inside my charge is captain of this ship and as such I have to look at what is best for the entire ship and not just an individual.....

The virus is no longer a China problem....or a California's here. It's in our's killing people we know (at least it is here). I'm not in a hazmat suit as I type this....but we need to take these "stay at home" orders very seriously. We have postponed birthday gatherings, college visits, visiting friends, and even seeing's tough to do those things....but I feel very necessary in keeping us and THEM healthy. I agree in that the younger generation seems to be more concerned about the social aspects of THEIR lives more so than lives in general.....which is VERY frustrating to me.
I look at all these company’s that are going full bore right now. Grocery stores , Fed Ex. USPS UPS. Amazon. Walmart. Home Depot and it goes on and on. Right in the midst of this they’re are forging through. Makes you wonder really why the rest of the world is sitting home. There will be a point and I wouldn’t even know when that will be but, there’s going to be a large amount of people who say I’ve just had enough of this and there’s going to be some revolting going on.we don’t need a mess like that There’s ways to stay safe and these companies are doing it and going full out right now. Apply guidelines for business to reopen to stay safe and get it done. If this goes into May it will be true that the cure is worse than the disease.
I just found out my cousin (who is a surgical nurse in Indianapolis) has tested positive......She is in her late 30's/early 40's and in great health (at least to my knowledge) so hopefully she handles this as well as possible. This stuff gets REAL, when it shows up on your front porch!
I support 2A for a reason....and it has NOTHING to do with hunting!

As for the virus. I have already had to have a very aggressive argument with my 24 y/o son over it who lives at home. It boiled down to "play by my rules (which are influenced by the government rues) - or there is the door!". I have "at risk" people inside my charge is captain of this ship and as such I have to look at what is best for the entire ship and not just an individual.....

The virus is no longer a China problem....or a California's here. It's in our's killing people we know (at least it is here). I'm not in a hazmat suit as I type this....but we need to take these "stay at home" orders very seriously. We have postponed birthday gatherings, college visits, visiting friends, and even seeing's tough to do those things....but I feel very necessary in keeping us and THEM healthy. I agree in that the younger generation seems to be more concerned about the social aspects of THEIR lives more so than lives in general.....which is VERY frustrating to me.

ditto to all the above

all candidates must support 2 A to get my vote

I dont hunt,but i field dress a lotta deer and clean a lotta fish.......

I agree with your reasoning. It seems that with every new generation of elected officials in Washington, every person with a title seems to feel more and more omnipotent. They need to be taught that they are merely hired servants of the people. Nothing more, nothing less. Their opinion is no more valid than that of any other citizen. They only have one vote. They are free to use it, but they are not lord and master.
Strange times no doubt. The virus doesn't necessarily scare me but the uncertainty definitely does. At 41, I've grown up in spoiled times in the wealthiest nation in the world. The future isn't as predictable as it has been my entire life so that causes concern.

I don't blame the governments; local, state or federal. I think in general they are doing what they think is right, only time will tell if they are. Sure, there are plenty that will take advantage of the situation and others that will politicize the crisis to advance a non related agenda but we're all in this together and for the most part I think the shut downs are the product of genuine motives.

My gut told me this would be bigger than big a solid month ago; I'm no more optimistic today. It will take years to get the economy back on line even AFTER the virus has been "defeated"...whatever that looks like.

Certainly wish this would have waited a few years until my family was safe on our future homestead. However, I rest assured it happened when and exactly as it was supposed to.
I have no fear. Certainly some structural systems will experience needed change and that will be uncomfortable for some.I've always operated under the premise that---fear and faith cannot coexist. Change is a constant. we adapt . Some will flourish . Some will flounder. Life will go on.
I am afraid. But before you can be brave, you must first be afraid. So, hopefully I can now also be brave.
I know this is a hunting forum but I'd like to share one verse has brought peace to my fear these past weeks; Is 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.'
Perhaps skeered was a poor choice of words but a play on my daughter as when she was preteen she combined the common bumper stickers common on cars at the time of Ain't Skeered and Got Jesus to Ain't Skeered, Got Jesus. I guess a better phrase would be concerned. Oddly I respect but not losing sleep about the virus. I take my precautions but have not let fear control me.
But the future of mass population control is I think real possibility and I think is a concern. We need to address it, and work toward a prevention. Sitting in our chambers thinking our guns will save us is unrealistic I think. Doubt it will come to a shootout.
Preparation of action is a key. When Abraham took his 400 men against the armies of 5 kings to rescue his not so smart relative, Lot, he did so with proper preparation of plan of attack and being in Gods will. Whether one has Faith or not, preparation of proper path to follow is a key with any conflict.
Or maybe I'm just bored and needed do some rambling. Off to farm for distancing. Friend in OB office have preg pt that has symptoms of Virus and will prob test positive. Some studies show born child are testing positive for Corona from infected mothers. My DIL, a PA ,has one confirmed case. Luckily we are low in numbers in WV with a 4% positive testing. Two deaths with compromised patients. Those numbers are false low but I think we here will fair much better than most of country. Our hospital beds are 50% empty should they be needed. Been on house arrest for 3 wks now.
I still concern/ worry/ scared/ whatever phrase you want me use as to the future manipulation by governments on societies that are economically and technologically connected in todays world. Be safe people. Don't run, but plan.
Concerned describes it best. As stated before I think it puts a magnifying glass on everything that is wrong in the world today. We've got political parties that don't give 2 cents for the people they serve. I take that back they serve themselves. As a nation we dropped the ball. Admit it and move on.... Notice I said We. There is plenty of blame to go around. Will we learn from this? I doubt it... Sorry for the rant...
One of the thoughts that I keep coming back to is a verse " Be still and know that i'm God". Before all of this i saw a lot of friends and family constantly on the go. Kind of hard for me to see where that was quality time.
I worry about people not taking it serious enough. I've got parents that say they "are pretty much staying at home" as they are driving to visit other family members. Wanting to know if I'm bringing the kids over as I normally do on the weekends. Keep in mind I'm considered essential as I work for the largest university in the state. I've got other family members traveling from Iowa to Nashville this weekend for a wedding. Good People and I wouldn't consider them selfish but I wished they showed a little bit more discernment.
Personally I don't worry too much about myself but as stated I do still have to report to work on a scaled back schedule.
My boys are loving me being home more. We home school and live in the country and so not a huge adjustment there. We will move more in the direction of being more self sustainable. Our faith is solid.
So for the most part We're good but still concerned with the unknown.
I felt more concerned about 2 weeks ago, when it still seemed like the governments were spending time finger pointing rather than taking action.

The more recent developments seem to have finally gotten through that actions, not words are going to get us back to "normal" faster, whatever that normal is we may return to. I hope that a month of action in this country (granted there will be disagreements upon which actions to take, and probably missteps at times) will finally get us on the right side of this. I'm optimistic people are starting to get over themselves, at least for now, to find the best and fastest path forward.

I feel fortunate that my wife and I planned ahead, and are sitting ok to weather this storm. I have mixed feelings about those that aren't. For some, I understand there was no better outcome they could have planned for and they were simply doing their best to survive before all this came on. For other, especially in my age range (I'm 32), I watched them spend their 20s piling up credit cards and debt (even while working full time) going on fancy vacations all with the 'plan' to just work all that debt off in their 30s. Now they are struggling to stay afloat because of decisions made 5-10 years ago. It's hard to feel sorry for those people that told me I was being a prude in my 20s. I still had fun, but I never went outside my means.

My bigger hope is that companies realize this will likely not be the last time we face something like this. It may not be virus, it may not be disease, but something that has this impact could come along again. I would hope companies take a hard look at how this impacts their business and employees and actually look at a building real 'disaster' funds and not just going back to the way everyone just assumed life would go forward without interruption.

I guess cautiously optimistic is the best way I can describe it.
I feel for everyone out there that are losing their jobs. I understand we may have over 20 million that were employed before this virus will be jobless by mid April. This thing is not going to go back to normal...right now they don’t have a clue or model of anything past August. Are we going to just keep quarantining EVERYONE every time if this thing is seasonal and just kicks back in by September even if we “flattened the curve”. Lots of folks can’t maintain just sitting home...eventually those small business owners that are trying to ride it out sitting home while their savings and investments keep tanking are going to say that is enough and re-open no matter what! Folks are going to start going back to work irregardless of the curve because they can’t just sit there and lose every single thing they have. Desperate times will create desperate ready...
I think concerned is the right terminology. I pride myself on using common sense to look at most things, even though someone else is telling me differently. My common sense tells me that this current position we find ourselves in can’t last for very long. It also tells me that my governor and my president won’t let it go on for very long because they too are concerned about the consequences. The optimist in me hopes I’m right, the pessimist side says maybe.....maybe not.

Here in Texas we aren’t as constrained in our daily movements as many states are, and I see folks not doing the common sense things that they should be doing in order to slow the progress of this virus. Still, traffic in the largest city close to me is about half of what it was a month ago. My wife still buys groceries, I still do essential things, buy gas, buy lime, went to Home Depot to get some things, but I stay away from folks as much as I can, and as soon as I get in my truck I use hand sanitizer, wipe my steering wheel, armrest, and door handles down with mechanic’s wipes from the parts store.

Overboard ? I don’t think so. Common sense tells me that those things will help me escape getting sick with this virus.At 73 years old, and a Type 2 diabetic, I am square in the crosshairs, so I’m doing all I can do to prevent catching Covid-19.

This morning I practiced social distancing by running my coon traps, (no coons), and shooting about 40 rounds of .44 Magnum from my Old Model Ruger Super Blackhawk. Very therapeutic !:)
What I’m seeing is that the sick people are now staying home. That wasn’t the case 3 weeks ago. I had to keep my social distance of about 60 ft from a woman having a coughing fit in a store. I don’t see that now. People are listening. Like you say just common sense. Don’t touch things and wash your hands. Even here in the epicenter State we can still go to the grocery store. All gas stations open. Home Depot dollar general. Etc. you have to get your food by take out. A new concept for me but my kids are walking me through it. Apparently that’s how they’ve been doing it right along. LOL. And my golf course is open so I’m all good.
What I’m seeing is that the sick people are now staying home. That wasn’t the case 3 weeks ago. I had to keep my social distance of about 60 ft from a woman having a coughing fit in a store. I don’t see that now. People are listening. Like you say just common sense. Don’t touch things and wash your hands. Even here in the epicenter State we can still go to the grocery store. All gas stations open. Home Depot dollar general. Etc. you have to get your food by take out. A new concept for me but my kids are walking me through it. Apparently that’s how they’ve been doing it right along. LOL. And my golf course is open so I’m all good.

I’d be terrified to cough or sneeze in public now. Not far fetched to think some might try to find a tall tree and a short rope! It’s getting a bit out of control in some areas. But...I can definitely understand the perspective of some in rural America that want people to stay away for now.

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