Are you still an American Chestnut purist, or do you plant other chestnuts? It looks like you're having some success with American Chestnuts, are those special seeds?
100% American Chestnuts only on my place.
Planted others elsewhere, but I feel it's not that hard to get nuts on straight American stock when treating them like apples trees, just takes a little work and when they blight, they resprout and start again so they r never a lost cause.
These r American Chestnut Cooperators Foundation seeds and all I'm allowed to plant per their guidelines.
Does that mean all you can plant on that farm? I am thinking they want to keep their trees pollenated by Americans. Am I thinking correctly?
I admire your dedication to that cause.
Glad to see you're still at it. Is there a blight resistant stain that's been found yet?
Incredible! My biggest tree is from 09 nuts and never bloomed that I could tell. I plan on looking it over close next week to see if it has a bur now.
I had all last year's nuts, but 2 germinate this spring and they've made pretty good growth so far. Still got to get my report in, but I'll get it this week.
How many other accf trees do you have growing?
How far away would you plant a Chinese Chestnuts to keep your Americans pure - avoid a hybrid situation?
Thanks for the post.
Do you know what became of the Ozark Chinkapin Foundation?
Also, what do you know about Concordia Oak Seedling and nut availability? My Concordia had acorns this year, but lost them do to drought.
The reason I ask is that other members have been looking for Concordia acorns or seedlings without success, and I thought you were in the know.
Id love to get the contact info on that person.Are your trees producing yet?
Jon Petersen is the guy and some of mine r producing now.