Undecided, but leaning !šŸ˜

Patience is not my long suit Grizzz, but Iā€™ll check for signs of germination in a couple weeks.

Jack, I donā€™t think Iā€™ll have any predation, that plot was thick ! Itā€™s probably right up there with the best plots Iā€™ve ever grown. If the hogs find it, that may be another story. Their sense of smell is at least as good as deer, probably better, it will just depend on if they pass through. They donā€™t frequent this side of the lease as much as the west side, but who knows.
I have been planting food plots yesterday and today with the help of my best friend and hunting partner. We planted two on our lease and one at my place. This was done the conventional way, spray, wait, disc, plant and fertilize, and drag. I hope to transition to the plant, fertilize, and crimp method eventually on all plots. These were planted in a Green Cover blend augmented wit IC peas, buckwheat, and sunflowers. Weā€™ll see what they do. Top two are the lease, bottom one is mine at home.
IMG_2830.jpegIMG_2831.jpegIMG_2829.jpegWe checked on our plots at the lease this morning and I was pleasantly surprised ! To tell the truth, I really didnā€™t know what to expect. I got a pretty good termination on the rye and turnips, although I do have some rye coming up from the original stalks. Summer heat will take care of that. The clovers, as Rusty said, came through pretty well unscathed. The real surprise was how tall the new plants are. I have IC peas 4ā€/5ā€ tall and buckwheat 6ā€/8ā€ tall. Got pretty good coverage too. All in all, Iā€™m very satisfied with it and itā€™s so much easier than spraying and discing. Iā€™m almost envious of you guys that have drills, although for my small plots thereā€™s no way I can justify it. Thanks to everyone that encouraged me to be patient and offered advice !
IMG_2833.jpegIMG_2835.jpegIMG_2834.jpegHere are the two plots planted the conventional way. Probabl took me three times as long to plant these two small plots than it did to plant the one that I crimped. Itā€™s about .65 acres and these two would stretch to be a quarter acre each.
In the long run, the first set of plots will be better for your soil and plants. Looking very good!
IMG_0754.jpegIMG_0751.jpegI pity you. I'm glad we don't have that problem yet. Looks to me like the makings for bacon!
My buddy killed this one last Friday. A 12 gauge slug makes an awesome exit wound ! We are about to move a trap in there as soon as I get one more plot planted. Rain has been hurting our efforts. We got another inch and three quarters yesterday and last night.
IMG_2884.jpegIMG_4540.jpegUpdated pics of a couple food plots. The top one is my home plot, the bottom is the one at our lease that I crimped.
IMG_2935.jpegIMG_4572.jpegWell, the one I crimped has been a disappointment, it doesnā€™t look nearly as good as the ones I did the conventional way. I used what I thought was overkill on the seed amount because I figured some of it wouldnā€™t germinate. Itā€™s really thin, weeds are growing in it and it will be back to the disc this fall. I didnā€™t think to take a picture but this the last one I have from my cell cam. The other one is from a plot planted the conventional way. Altjough Iā€™m sure no explanation is necessary, the one with the boar hog in it, is the one I crimped.
View attachment 28104View attachment 28105Well, the one I crimped has been a disappointment, it doesnā€™t look nearly as good as the ones I did the conventional way. I used what I thought was overkill on the seed amount because I figured some of it wouldnā€™t germinate. Itā€™s really thin, weeds are growing in it and it will be back to the disc this fall. I didnā€™t think to take a picture but this the last one I have from my cell cam. The other one is from a plot planted the conventional way. Altjough Iā€™m sure no explanation is necessary, the one with the boar hog in it, is the one I crimped.
Keep in mind that what looks good to Man rarely looks good to deer.
Keep in mind that what looks good to Man rarely looks good to deer.
What looks good to me, is plenty of food. That plot is way too thin and just about eaten up. Too soon for that ! The camera is showing the ā€œgoodā€ part of it, the rest is about gone.