I used to plant a lot of rye years ago when I worked for the Feds, but havent planted it on my own place. I read about a lot of guys seeding into their WR and then mowing for their TNM plots. I plant wheat, now. But no way is there any standing wheat left from the previous year to seed into. The wheat stalks will all be laying flat on the ground, forming a mat so dense I would not expect any seed to be able to get through to the ground. Does WR stand erect much longer than wheat? My wheat is usually laying flat by the end of July and I wouldnt be planting at least until the first week of October. Coons, deer, hogs, and all manner of songbirds feed on the wheat heads and walk through it. Maybe these animals dont feed as heavily on WR seed heads? What is the best fall crop to plant the year prior to a TNM attempt?