Follow Up to Things I Would Do Differently
My situation was complicated by a narrow site location. I needed to built my walk in between a grow box and the front wall in my basement. I was concerned about air loss in the cooler - chalk that up to inexperience. Most individuals cover the outside of their walk in color with plywood or a similar cover.
To keep cost down, I chose to not cover with plywood. My two long walls are not exposed to any traffic. I staggered the overlaps on styrofoam boards to prevent air loss. I would use a 1 by 4 inch board to cover the joints in the middle of the long wall if I was to build again.
The 1 by 4 would board be added after the two sandwich sections were put together and first taped with duct tape.
Do I believe mine walk in turned out well? Yes, I am pleased with it. Could I do a better job if I had a do over? Absolutely with less measuring and less cut and fit.
My cooler has been built to store chesntuts, sawtooth, swamp white oak, grow DCO and store bare root shrubs. By storing bare root shrubs and seedlings, I will be able to plant conveniently.
Individuals building a walk in cooler for storing deer would have to build with a stronger frame and the ceiling height would be engineered differently than mine.
My cool bot has been shipped - got my tracking number during the evening. The time for controls and electrical is here.