What to do for fall plots


Active Member
For reasons beyond my control I was unable to do any plotting over at the old farm property.
I missed the window for PTT and Radishes.

I will naturally do Rye and clover in a few and may even toss in some Oats, but I am wondering if I could get away with doing two plots in Rape.
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Throw it in as a mix with the oats. It's cheap. If you have an early winter and it doesn't make no big deal. If winter comes late, a bonus.
Rape is such a fast aggressive grower I bet you will get some decent growth. I'll be planting some this weekend.
I'll put radishes, wheat, oats, turnips, sunflowers, red and white clovers, rape, chicory, harry vetch, pumpkins, okra, etc. in my fall plots. Nothing gets left out. Some will grow and be attractive, some will surprise me, some will bomb. The mix tends to make a jungle of attraction that lasts all winter long.
Here is a pic of a plot the summer after planting it. Still lots of good stuff in it:
Lost most of the links regarding seeding rates when that other site went down so please correct me if I am wrong on this.

Per acre
10# rape in a straight rape plot

80# Rye + 15#Red Clover
60-70# Rye + 60-70# Oats+ 15# Red clover.

6# White Clover in a straight clover plot.

What would be a good seeding rate if I wanted to mix the white and red together in with Rye?
catscratch, I must say that is quite a menu you have provided. Not sure I have ever read about a plot with that much going on, but if
it works, it works.
catscratch, I must say that is quite a menu you have provided. Not sure I have ever read about a plot with that much going on, but if
it works, it works.
It works for me and the deer seem to like it. Always tons of vegetation and seed available. Always a preferred food coming into cycle that takes stress off the previous one, wide range of temp and drought tolerance, legumes fixing nitrogen while grasses use it. Etc... Lots of fun stuff with these mixes.
Lost most of the links regarding seeding rates when that other site went down so please correct me if I am wrong on this.

Per acre
10# rape in a straight rape plot

80# Rye + 15#Red Clover
60-70# Rye + 60-70# Oats+ 15# Red clover.

6# White Clover in a straight clover plot.

What would be a good seeding rate if I wanted to mix the white and red together in with Rye?

I cut the red in half but leave the white the same if you are wanting to convert it to a perennial plot.
rape is a great suggestion for a late cereal/clover planting - 1-2 lbs per acre mixed in tops -
or the same with turnips. Rape is better later because I think deer prefer the rape vegetation and you may not get much bulb growth anyhow,
I wouldn't hesitate to include rape as part of a late-season plot, but I wouldn't ever plant it all by itself. Heck, I wouldn't do that if I planted it in July! :)
Ctm, I'd get some rape or radishes down with your grain and cover. If we have another late fall like last year you'll get plenty of growth.
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