I know which is the MRC, the plants with the long narrow leaves and the pinkish flowers. But there’s another clover there, very small leaves and small white flowers, but a typical three leaf cluster. It’s growing tall and looks like nothing is eating it. I didn’t plant it unless it was in the MRC.
One of these: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trifolium_repens
On the first look I thought White Dutch but it could be ladino. If you or someone earlier didn't plant it then I'd guess White Dutch. Clover seed is a hard seed and will lay dormant in the ground for a long time until something cracks the seed which allows moisture to penetrate and start germination.
I think lots of things are different this year. For instance, I keep the state highway right of way mowed in front of my property. I usually have a mixture of common bermuda, behia grass, a few weeds and a little crimson clover. I spray the behia and keep it in check, and don’t mow until the crimson clover goes to seed. This year I have more weeds and more variety of weeds than ever. I also have more clover than ever. Another thing I can’t explain.