We are Tree Guys

I am happy to report that two tree guys I respect from the old site got squared away on this site. GraceNmercy and Grapevine both are with us. I helped each of them get their username squared away.

I learned much from both of these gentlemen and look forward to their post.

This tree guy - put 72 DCO in rootmaker express trays today. I moved 15 Chinese Chestnuts up in pot size. I am looking at trees and determining what gets planted and what will be carried in the greenhouse over the winter. We have been too dry in October. My friend at the Garden Center told me to not plant anything until November 15 in Portland, TN. He said it will do better.

I watered some DCO that were direct seeded last Thursday at his suggestion. I was amazed at how much the ground dried up since last Thursday.

Yes, I am a tree guy. ;)
Glad to have GraceNmercy and Grapevine. Remember them and look forward to their comments.
You are right about the dry weather. Had not thought about its impact on this fall's planting but that would apply.
You go, Tree Guy!
I'm not planting right now either,I plan on hunting those mornings and then planting a couple hours each time I get to go,Then back for the afternoon,Im gonna just plant all winter.Im direct seeding 1 chestnut per hole in my electric fence tree plot.Those that don't come up will just get a seedling planted there.2016 I'm focusing on competition,Im learning what a weedeater and gly will do. I'm keeping every blade of grass and weeds dead in the entire enclosure.