Very Late Buckwheat Dilemma


Well-Known Member
I t&m'd buckwheat about a month ago on a half acre at the Massey. I would say less than .5% has germinated. Assuming what hasn't is just waiting on rain we haven't received as of yet, what happens if we get that rain in a couple days? In all of your experience, will most of the buckwheat have been eaten by rodents by now? If not, and it germinates and takes off, what then? I plan to throw and mow cereals/clover the middle of September. Will I need to terminate the buckwheat, or just throw into it and mow like it was completely mature?
Buckwheat in a fall mix doesn't bother me at all, unless it is so thick it keeps the other seed from germinating. I've actually added it to my fall mixes before just to get some variety and extra attraction. Even if yours did come in thick, you could scatter the fall seed into it and mow really low - like almost scalping the ground, and I think you would be fine.
Buckwheat in a fall mix doesn't bother me at all, unless it is so thick it keeps the other seed from germinating. I've actually added it to my fall mixes before just to get some variety and extra attraction. Even if yours did come in thick, you could scatter the fall seed into it and mow really low - like almost scalping the ground, and I think you would be fine.
If the seed did not get eaten, or a large portion germinate and then die before the root got adequately down in the ground, then there IS a lot of seed. I'm guessing I'll be scalping it. Thanks!