turnips, brassica, etc.


Well-Known Member
Ok keeping this short.

1. I overseeded brassicas into beans this year - had fairly good growth on the one plot. Some even made some bulbs about the size of tennis balls. The deer on my farm love them.
2. The rest of the areas just didn't seem to form great bulbs.

Any idea why? Could deer just have ate the tops before they could form tubers?

I used BOB seed since I was only doing a few small areas. I used heartland mix, and tall tine tubers mix.

My soil was tested, lime had been added, I even used some extra urea tilled into the dirt before planting.
Here is a picture of the one plot, looked to be coming in great. 2 weeks later I couldn't find a brassica in this plot.

Good case for an exclusion cage. You obviously had good germination so over browsing would be my first thought.
3 reasons I see small bulbs. They are planted too thick, not enough nitrogen and over browse. The first 2 are more suspect to me. I use at 8 bags of urea per acre at planting then top dress before a good rain with another 4 bags.
thanks guys!

I had an exclusion fence up and the brassicas in there somewhat disappeared as well if I recall correctly. I don't think I used to much seed. This plot is less then half acre and I used half of a half acre bag.
On really bad grasshopper years my early planted brassicas will get demolished. In my early planting years I planted some rape in the spring just to see if the deer would eat them. The deer didn't but a blister beetle invasion wiped them our in just a matter of days.
On really bad grasshopper years my early planted brassicas will get demolished. In my early planting years I planted some rape in the spring just to see if the deer would eat them. The deer didn't but a blister beetle invasion wiped them our in just a matter of days.

Last year was a bad beetle year and we also had the 17 year cicadas. I wonder if thhs is what ate the brassicas!
Keep in mind the variety of the seed planted will impact bulb production as well. I planted BOB seed this year and didn't have near the bulb production either as I get with PPT and GFR that I planted in years past. Some seed is more forage type production and not so much bulb. I have planted some turnips like that in the past as well. This is where BOB seed may or may not fit your desire for your plot. There could be lots of other things at play as well, but seed variety is certainly one also.
I'd go with the insufficient nutrient reason. Either from overseeding in areas or insufficient in the base case. You won't really see the N deficiency in soybeans because they're a legume.
I'd go with the insufficient nutrient reason. Either from overseeding in areas or insufficient in the base case. You won't really see the N deficiency in soybeans because they're a legume.

No I did all soil tests and applied based on that. They grew wonderful for first couple weeks. Then gone.