Well boys...been 6 months since I've updated this thread. Honestly, going into the 13th season on our place, there's just not much new to report. Things are pretty much on auto-pilot these days.
Started out in 2011 when oldest grandson was 7. He's now 19. Sheeez...where do the years go. Grand daughters are now little women it seems.
Still haven't retired. 67 and still swinging. Just can't seem to find the right time to say I'm done but definitely on the one yard line.
Spending a whole bunch of time with my "Lil Man". Youngest grandchild that turned 8 in May. Soaking up every minute I can with him in my presence as I know the days are numbered when we'll be hang out buddies like we are today.
Plenty of moisture this year so the replanting of loblolly pine we did back in January is doing very well.
Only improvements we've made to the place is the addition of 2 more elevated blinds - Antler Shed. Made in Louisiana. Had a Redneck out since 2015 without any issues whatsoever. I think these are going to be very durable as well and think I may like them even better. Perfect accommodation for kids n guests.
- All metal construction.
- Very well built.
- Sliding tinted windows rather than the flip windows in the Redneck.
- Fully carpeted including walls and ceiling.
- Portable 5 ft sled option for moving the stand to different locations by hooking to the sled and dragging with a tractor.
- Easy to erect if putting on 4x4 posts with cross bracing.
A few pics.

Blind on the sled platform
Been slinging a lot of arrows in the basement this summer

Brooks n his buddy been in CO for 2 weeks chasing elk n Miley’s. I’ll post some pics of his trip when they get home.