Triple C
Well-Known Member
Has your forester recommended any growing season burns on your place to help with hardwood invasion in your pines?
Seems to be a very popular practice these days.
gut_pile - Great question and the answer is yes. We were scheduled for a burn this Spring but the wet weather just never allowed it to happen. We have 2 ages of pine - 28 yr old stand and 18 yr old stand. The 28 yr old stand has been thinned 3 times and burned 3 times. The 18 yr old stand just had it's first thinning in the fall of 2015 and spring of 2016. It is ready to burn. Just couldn't get it done this year. The 28 yr old stand has little hardwood competition due to the kill back from previous burns. Awesome habitat now with all manner of forbs, browse and cover underneath. The 18 yr old stand is just as thick but has a lot of sweet gums popping up that must be eliminated. Burning will get it done.